Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

We finished off last week with lots of cultural excitement for our Asian Studies Day on Thursday. It certainly was a culturally enriching experience for the students with a lot of fun at the same time. I did also write about World Teachers’ Day last week. Fortunately, the small gift for each of our teachers were delivered only one day late! 


Academic success

It was fantastic to present so many awards to EEPS students at assembly on Monday. Well done to our students who achieved distinctions and high distinctions in the ICAS exams. We were also able to present certificates to our Year 5 and 6 students who both participated in, and achieved great success, in the 2023 Maths Olympiad. Well done to you all! Thank you to Mrs Peters and Miss Deards for organising both of these opportunities for the students.


State Athletics and Sport

We wish our 9 EEPS athletes all the best as they compete today at the State Athletics Carnival. It is a fabulous achievement to make it to State.


Individual athletics success

The school was extremely proud of Jamie R for winning the Under 14 All Schools Athletics Championships on the weekend. Jamie was racing in a category above her age group and kept getting Personal Bests every time she raced. Well done Jamie. This is an absolutely huge achievement.


We were also pleased to host a cricket clinic last Friday in the Hall to specifically promote the participation of girls in cricket. It was well attended and I would like to thank Mr Bain for facilitating this with Cricket Victoria.


Music success

At Assembly was also wonderful to hear the magnificent piano piece by William F in Year 5 and a tremendous song by Ella H in Year 6. To finish it off we had a short stand-up comedy routine by Sunny C, also in Year 6. Thank you to Mr Day and our Performing Arts Leaders for coordinating ‘EEPS has Talent’ over the year.


Administrative change

Starting from next week the office will no longer be printing out individual receipts for payments through Compass, except for contributions to our Library and Building Funds. Receipts will still be printed for EFTPOS and cash payments. This will significantly reduce an administrative function of the office and a lot of time in distributing them to all grades. Please contact the office directly if you have particular family circumstances that would be disadvantaged by this change.


Values survey

Please also remember to have input into the development of new, or potentially new, EEPS school values. We are seeking input by students, parents and staff. The survey can be accessed here.


Remembrance Day

Remember that we are selling badges to help raise valuable funds for the RSL for their Remembrance Day appeal. A reminder, also to families that, we warmly invite our EEPS community to our Remembrance Day service on Friday 10th November at 10:50am.


School Council vacancy

Normally School Councillors are elected in February for a 2 year term, however we do have a casual vacancy for the rest of this Term and the beginning of Term 1. If any parents or carers are interested then please let me know.


Lastly, thank you for the support that we have been receiving from parents around hat wearing and the school uniform, dress code.


Have a great week and enjoy the long weekend!


Warren Lloyd  
