Cebula Boarding

Boarding News

A question from a prospective boarder “what is there to do in boarding on the weekend?” prompted me to share with the community what our boarding boys can access on weekends. We invest considerable time into developing active and challenging weekend activities for the boys recognising the benefits of this for their physical and emotional wellbeing. 


Active activities promote physical fitness and help our boys develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Regular physical activity strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health and helps manage body weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues.


The activities also play a crucial role in supporting mental well-being. Physical exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which can reduce stress and anxiety. It provides an outlet for pent-up energy and emotions, helping boys manage their emotional health. Surfing lessons which boys are currently undertaking at Scarborough have been really beneficial in this area.


Challenging activities require boys to push their limits, overcome obstacles and achieve goals. Each success, whether it's mastering a new skill or finishing a difficult challenge, boosts their self-esteem and self-confidence. Mountain bike riding, which we have undertaken a few times already this year with another session scheduled for next week, has certainly been of great value in boosting self esteem and pushing the boys outside their comfort zones. 


Many active activities have been team-based and foster collaboration, communication and leadership skills. Teenage boys learn to work with others, develop friendships and build a sense of camaraderie, all of which are vital for social development. Recently the Perth Escape Rooms in Northbridge provided a great outlet for team work which saw some boys solve their way out of the room and others struggle but enjoy the challenge.


Active activities often involve problem-solving and decision-making. Boys learn to assess situations, make quick decisions and adapt to changing circumstances, which can be valuable life skills.


Participating in challenging activities, whether they're sports, outdoor adventures or other hobbies, helps boys develop specific skills and talents that can be used throughout their lives. These skills can be a source of personal satisfaction and, in some cases, even career opportunities.

Some of the other activities we’ve undertaken this year include fishing trips,

archery, rock climbing, go karting and stand-up paddleboarding. Currently

we’re working on a bigger, better and more dynamic program for 2024!



Annamaria Cream

Director of Boarding