A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


As we approach the end of another academic year, it's a moment of reflection and celebration. Throughout this journey, our commitment to fostering a community guided by our College Motto has been unwavering. The motto, "Peace, Justice, Compassion," serves as a beacon illuminating our path. These words are not just a mere phrase but embody the ethos that defines us as a community and guides our actions every day.


In a world often filled with discord, our commitment to peace stands resolute. We've

 strived to create an environment where harmony prevails, where conflicts are resolved through dialogue, and where differences are celebrated rather than seen as being divisive.

Justice, the cornerstone of a fair society, is a principle we've upheld dearly. Our efforts to instil a sense of equity and fairness among our students and staff echo our dedication to creating a just community where everyone feels heard, valued and respected.

Compassion, the driving force behind our actions, has been evident in the way we support one another. Whether it's through acts of kindness, lending a helping hand, or embracing diversity with open hearts, our commitment to compassion has enriched our community.

As we approach the end of this academic year, let's take a moment to acknowledge the milestones achieved and the challenges overcome. It's a testament to our collective dedication and unwavering commitment to these values.


In the spirit of our faith and guided by the teachings of Christ, let us renew our pledge to promote peace, seek justice, and embody compassion in all facets of our lives. Together, let's envision a future where these values allow the students at Salvado Catholic College to flourish, where our students carry forth our motto into the world, becoming agents of positive change and beacons of hope.


Let's celebrate the achievements, learn from the challenges, and renew our commitment to making Salvado Catholic College a place where personal excellence thrives and support abounds. 


Thank you for your continuous dedication and commitment to our school community.


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
