Rock Climbing Onkaparinga

Peter Vowles, Outdoor Education Teacher

Year 10 - Outdoor Education 


On Thursday 21 September our class went rock climbing at the Onkaparinga National Park. Students had been practicing their double figure eight knot tying and belay techniques in the weeks leading up to the excursion, so they could maximise their time climbing and being safe. As part of our planning, students familiarised themselves with the equipment to be used and different climbing techniques.


With a mixture of excitement and overcoming an understandable level of fear, we arrived at the cliff to see ropes set up, realising we were about to climb 20 vertical metres. Working together with classmates, trusting and encouraging each other, all students experienced a successful and adventurous day. It was definitely an extraordinary experience in a beautiful natural environment. Students overcame challenges together, demonstrated resilience and created positive personal and group memories.