Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Welcome back for a sustainable year ahead at Hillsmeade. 


This year our school will be undertaking some sustainable change. We are so excited to be rolling out more education around managing waste and our school is looking at reducing waste wherever we can. Reducing waste not only looks at plastic waste in our lunch boxes and school yard but also energy waste (turning off lights and devices not in use), food waste (composting what is left in our lunchboxes) and water waste (turning off the tap when finished and only drinking from the fountains when necessary, bringing a drink bottle from home). 


Students in Year 4 and Year 5 will have the opportunity to apply for the Marine Ambassador 'i Sea i Care' program again this year. This program is run by the Dolphin Research Institute and last year our Marine Ambassadors thoroughly enjoyed the program. 

Hillsmeade will select 4 students to represent our school in the program - they will learn valuable leadership skills, ways to protect the environment, dangers of micro plastics in our oceans and so much more! 

Students interested in applying for this program are asked to prepare a speech for Mr Cooper and myself (Miss Dunstan) and we will have the tough decision on selecting the four representatives.