Year 5 Update
Welcome Back
We would like to congratulate our Year 5 students on how well they have settled into the school year. This fortnight we have focused on building relationships, routines and expectations. Students have been prepared and organised for learning and have treated each other and the staff with kindness and respect. We look forward to a productive and fun year!
Hillsmeade is a Sun Smart school. As such, students are required to wear a navy blue hat during Term One and Term Four (regardless of the weather). Students who do not have a hat will be directed to play in a shaded area. Hats with the school logo can be purchased from the office for $19.95 or a navy blue hat (bucket or brimmed) can be purchased from outside the school.
Well done to those students who are participating in the BYOD program. Classrooms are no longer resourced with devices outside those assigned to specific students. As a result, student learning is impacted if devices are not at school each day and charged.
A focus of Year 5 is developing speed and fluency with multiplication facts. Students are encouraged to learn their multiplication and division facts to support them with other areas of Mathematics as the year progresses.
Reading each night is an ongoing expectation. Reading can be tracked in students' diaries.
Throughout the year, students will also have tasks related to our Inquiry topics. More information will be communicated to students and families as the school year progresses.
Grade 5 students will undertake NAPLAN in week 6. We look forward to supporting students in the weeks leading up to this period.
Say Cheese.......