Year 1/2 Report

End of Term 4, 2023

Well done to all the Grade 1/2 students! They have had a brilliant year, full of joyful experiences and tough challenges that they have successfully achieved.  We wish our families a well-deserved safe and happy summer holidays.



This Term the students learnt how to identify authors' crafts during their reading lessons and then how to apply that knowledge in their writing. It was fantastic to see students enthusiastically combining all the writing skills they've learnt during the year to work through the stages of writing to publish a fairy tale. Students also used their word solving and comprehension skills they've learnt throughout the year to progress with their reading. They enjoyed learning how to use punctuation during their writing lessons such as exclamation and talking marks to make their sentences more interesting.




This Term in mathematics students covered a wide variety of concepts. They learnt how to solve multiplication and division problems using materials and models and tell the time on analogue clocks to the hour, half-hour, quarter past and quarter to. They continued using the Rek en Reks to build their knowledge of number bonds to ten and twenty and to identify a missing number in addition problems. They learn about fractions by dividing collections and shapes into halves, quarters and eighths. A real highlight of mathematics this term was when students got to use formal and informal units measure and compare the weight of familiar objects and record their findings. Students also revised their understanding of two- and three-dimensional shapes and the probability of familiar events' occurrence. Another highlight of mathematics this term was when students worked in pairs on open ended addition problems and got to their findings and explanations with their class.   



In our Inquiry unit this term students overall learning centred around our place in Victoria and special places in Melbourne and Victoria. They learnt where we are on a map at a local, state and National level. They learnt where Victoria's special places are on a map as well. They used iPads to research and write about their chosen special place. Apart from the Werribee Zoo excursion, another highlight of the unit was when students got to imagine and create their own unique Luna Park attraction with a drawing and written description. The students also absolutely loved learning how to use directional language to command our bee-bots through a planned route. Students cooperated well in pairs to use each other's commands for the bee-bots to predict where the bee-bot will end up. It was lovely to see them laugh and work so well together during these lessons.   



Our Werribee Zoo excursion was a great success with students thoroughly enjoying learning about Safari animals and the kinds of behaviours that can help take care of wildlife. 



Wishing our Grade 1/2 students all the best for 2024!



Important Dates


20th December -  Last day of school


With many thanks from the Grade 1/2 Team.

Emily Routley, Mark Turner, Kirsty Peffers, Carla Asta and Belinda Perera.