Prep Report

Congratulations to all the Preps for completing their first year of school! We are all so proud of the growth they have made this year and we wish everyone a well deserved break over the school holidays!



In Literacy, students learnt about the features of fiction books such as the characters, setting, problem the solution. Students continued to practice their reading strategies with a particular focus on stretching out the sounds they hear in words (sounding out) and chunking sounds to read tricky words. Students learnt about the letters that make long vowel sounds such as; ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘ee’, ‘ea’ and ‘igh’. They continued to practise reading and writing their Oxford Words during writing sessions. Students also learnt about the structure of writing a fiction story. They worked on developing their ideas and creating a story with a beginning, middle and end and created their own fiction books. Students participated in exciting language experiences, such as the excursion to the Melbourne Zoo and attended the Prep Breakfast as a springboard for ideas to write about. 



In Numeracy, students used Rekenreks (counting frames) to consolidate their understanding of subutizing (recognising numbers) and number bonds to 20. They also used the Rekenreks to support their understanding of addition and subtraction by breaking numbers into parts and using doubles and near doubles. Students used a range of hands-on materials to support their understanding of addition and subtraction (tens frames, numbers lines and part-part-whole boards) and were able to link the problems they solved to real life experiences. Students explored the concept of capacity using a range of materials to measure how much something can hold. They practiced measuring, comparing and ordering the capacity of objects in the environment. At the end of term, students were introduced to the concept of sharing by creating a fair share and making equal groups. 



In Inquiry, students learnt about sustainability and where rubbish goes when we throw it away. They learnt about how littering has a negative impact on the environment and how to sort rubbish into items that can be recycled. Students learnt how to read and draw maps, why maps are important and how to find places using a map. 


In Social and Emotional Learning, students learnt about being mindful and how to express gratitude. They practiced reflecting on the things that they are grateful for by keeping a gratitude journal. They discussed their likes and dislikes and how they can do anything they would like to do, regardless of whether they are a boy or girl. 


Important Dates

  • the last day of school is on the 20th of December


The Prep Team

Mrs. Polazzon, Miss. Reynolds, Miss. Chiara and Miss. Richardson