2024 NEWS!

Dear Families, 


Today we had our Step-up day. This was an opportunity for students to meet their new teacher/s, get to know their peers and familiarise themselves with the classroom they will be learning in. 

Our aim is to create balanced and supported classrooms that nurture learning and wellbeing and provide the conditions for your child to feel connected. The best way for students to feel a sense of belonging is to encourage and promote greater friendship connections amongst their peer group – this occurs beautifully when children can learn with different students in their new classroom communities at the commencement of each school year. 


Your child’s friendship requests have been considered, with at least one friend guaranteed to be placed in their class.  Teacher recommendations and guidance strongly influence groupings – our educators are best placed to understand your child’s social, emotional and academic needs and their input holds significant weight. Information provided by parents was also received and taken into consideration when placing your child. 


Class lists are now finalised. No changes will be made.





12DMrs. ASTA8
12EMrs. AWADA3
34BMiss. PEFFERS21
34CMiss. BIANCA20
34DMiss. ZAHRA19
5AMr. LY 13
6AMrs. MIKALA 12
6BMiss. LAY11
6CMs. ELIA10
InterventionMrs. FITZPATRICK 
InterventionMS. GARITA 



In 2024 we will be providing the following specialist subjects. Students will participate in one 50-minute session a week for each subject.


ItalianMr. PALOMBO 
Performing ArtsMs. POPOVIC & Ms. STACEY
Physical EducationMiss. JOANNIDIS 



The Team Leaders role is to work with teachers to identify and implement best practice in the teaching and learning at RPPS. They are classroom teachers with a responsibility to provide administrative, educational and behavioural leadership to their year level teams. Team leaders ensure that tasks are completed and will support the educational and behavioural needs for their year level.


Year 1/2:Miss. ROUTLEY
Year 3/4:Mr. PENHALL
Year 5:Mr. LY
Year 6: Mrs. MIKALA
Specialist:Mr. FALTISKA



The principal team, together with our learning specialist and leading teachers provide guidance and mentorship to our teachers in their grade level or subject.  They aim to improve the skill, knowledge and performance of our teachers through coaching and mentoring. They lead and manage the implementation of whole-school improvement initiatives related to the School Strategic Plan and school priorities. 


The leadership team is also responsible for general discipline matters beyond the management of classroom teachers and Team Leaders.


Principal Team:

PrincipalMrs. KENELY
Assistant PrincipalMr. HANSON
Assistant PrincipalMrs. POSAR


Leading Teachers: 

Have no classroom responsibilities. Primary role is to lead curriculum and wellbeing initiative as outlined in the School Strategic Plan through coaching and mentoring.

Teaching and LearningMrs. PERERA
Teaching and LearningMr. MOAT
Disability Inclusion LeaderMrs. ANDERSON
Mental Health and Wellbeing LeaderMiss. BAIDO


Learning Specialist: 

Have a part time classroom role and support the skills, knowledge and performance of our teachers through coaching. 

Learning SpecialistMr. KARIM
Learning SpecialistMrs. POLAZZON
Learning SpecialistMr. ANTONIO


Here’s an update of some staffing changes to expect in 2024…


Mr. Smith - We wish Mr. Smith all the best as he heads overseas for a year of leave to work and travel. While on leave Miss. Joannidis will teach P.E. We hope Mr. Smith has a great time and cannot wait to hear all about his adventures when he returns in 2025. 


Mrs. GARITA - After being a classroom teacher for over 20 years Mrs. Garita will be working as our intervention teacher in 2024. She will work alongside Ms. Fitzpatrick to support our Tier 2 Intervention approach which will include small-group sessions focused on Literacy and Numeracy skills. 


Mrs. ANDERSON - Congratulations to Miss. Harvey- Little on the safe arrival of her second child and the impending wedding to her future husband Mr. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson (formally Miss Harvey- Little) will return in Term 2 after her honeymoon. We are excited to have Mrs. Anderson step into the Disability Inclusion Leadership role and work together with our students and families in the disability and inclusion space. 


Mrs. PASSMORE - After stepping into the intervention role in 2023 Mrs. Passmore has made the decision to semi retire and travel in 2024. Mrs. Passmore will work as a CRT in 2024 and we look forward to hearing all about her adventures when she supports our students while our teachers are on leave. 


Mrs. JANAKIEVSKI & Mr. U – After a year on leave both Mrs. Janakievski and Mr. U have made the decision to not return to RPPS. We would like to acknowledge the years of service at Roxburgh Park Primary School and their incredible versatility and willingness to support your children and our school. On behalf of the students, staff and our families, we would like to wish them both every success in their new school setting.


Ms. BOZ – We would like to congratulate Ms. Boz on her appointment to Roxy Rise. Ms. Boz stepped in this year to support both the grades 3 and 4 team in the absence of staff. We would like to thank Ms. Boz for her flexibility and her willingness to step in as a CRT in 2023. 


Mrs. BORG - After 18 years at Roxburgh Park Primary School, Mrs. Borg will be transferring to a school in Melbourne's West in 2023. We would like to acknowledge the years of service at Roxburgh Park Primary School and her incredible versatility and willingness to support your children and our school. On behalf of the students, staff and our families, we would like to wish Mrs. Borg every success in her new school setting.


We would like to welcome the following new staff members to the Roxburgh Park Primary:


Miss.  ZAHRA and Miss.  LAY - Both teachers are new to the teaching profession, and we look forward to supporting them in developing their knowledge on the art and science of teaching and as members of our professional learning community. Both Miss. Zahra and Miss. Lay completed their final year placement at RPPS, and we are happy they both have decided to join our teaching staff as qualified classroom teachers. 


Nez Edelbi - An Education Support staff member who will be working to support our students' academic, engagement and wellbeing. Nez is currently supporting our students in a casual basis will be permanently joining our Education Support Team in 2024. 



Happy Holidays

We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate all our students and families for making it through another wonderful year. 


We wish all our families a restful and relaxing holiday season and look forward to seeing everyone fresh and ready for a great year ahead in 2024.


Happy Holidays and enjoy your break.