Classroom News

This is what our students have been up to this week


This week our Prep/1 class joined up with their buddies for rotions.  Origami, guided drawing, dodge ball, dancing tag game, and a basketball game.  All looked so fun, and lots of bonding with peers was happening.



On Tuesdays and Thursdays, during lunch break, students from years 3 - 6 are invited to participate in tennis.  Mount Beauty Tennis Club has kindly opened up the courts to us so student can have a friendly game.  Racquets are provided, however you can bring along your own if you wish to do so.  Any questions please try to catch up with Kathryn, who will be supervising these sessions.


Gardening with Lucy

Lucy has returned to our garden after setting to rest over winter.  You may have noticed its florished with the onset of spring and is ready for our junior years student to start growning some plants from seed.  Today with Lucy our 1/2 class joined her in the garden to help.


We are after donations of childrens gardening gloves and small watering cans with a rain spout nozzle.  If you are able to donate a set to our gardening program it will get well used by our students.