Principal's Report

By Carolyn Serpell

Congratulations to Emily and all students, on another outstanding musical presentation! Yesterday's performance showcased the journey students take in learning music and just how much they have achieved over the course of the year and also their schooling.  Watching this progression and then having the whole school come together to perform in the grand finale was fantastic and one our students should be extremely proud of!  A big thank you to Emily for all her work and organisation in preparing for the performance, and to all attending families for your support and providing our students with an appreciative audience to perform to!


Congratulations also to Eloise for placing in the top 20, for her age group, in the Fish Creek Writing Competition.  Out of over 700 students, Eloise's 350 word story will be presented this weekend, at Fish Creek's Festival of Stories. We wish Eloise all the best for the weekend, and look forward to hearing more about her experience, next week. 


Today, all students were given the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate First Aid training.  Througout the day, students have learned how to respond in an emergency, using the DRSABC and how to make an emergency call.  A big thank you to St John, First Aid in Schools program, who provided this program free of charge.


Thank you also to SRC members, Luella, Arthur and Hugh for representing our school, at

Saturday's Remembrance Day Ceremony.  This is an important event for our local community and the presence of students is always apprciated.   Many thanks also to Amanda and Belinda for their contribution of flowers to the arrangement.  


Our annual swimming program commences this Monday, 20th November.  If you haven't already done so, please complete consent on Compass. Information has also been sent out via Compass.  Many thanks to Steph for her organisation and to our team of instuctors for enabling our program to be delivered.


As the term flies by, planning for 2024 is now being finalised.  Based on our expected student numbers, next year we will be running five classes: Prep/1, 1/2, 3/4, 4/5 & 5/6. This structure will allow us to balance our class numbers and to accommodate for the social and emotional needs of students.  Teachers have given extensive thought to the placement of students, however families are encouraged to provide feedback via this form, or to speak to their child's teacher if they have concerns that they would like considered.  In 2024, we will welcome two new teachers, Anna Gallasch and Hayley Dodd, to our team as, sadly, Kristie and Charlotte will be leaving us at the end of this year.  


A reminder that Parent Teacher interviews will be held next week, from the 20th - 23rd November.  Families are now able to make bookings in the 'Conference' function of Compass.

A big thank you to Kathryn and the Mount Beauty Tennis club for facilitating the opportunity for our students to participate in lunchtime tennis twice a week. This has been a really popular activity and it is great to see students embracing the opportunity and our equipment being put to good use!


Eligible families can now nominate for the School Student Broadband Initiative.  This  can be done through the National Referral Centre or through a list of National and Victorian organisations. Nominations are open now up until 30 April 2024. Eligible families will then be provided with a FREE connection for 12 months from the date of connection, with installation and initial set-up included in the service. For more information about the SSBI, including eligibility and how to nominate a family, please visit this website


As a school we are conscious of the many different emotions our children and families may be experiencing, in response to ongoing events around the world.  Below are some resources and services that may be of assistance. 

Helping my children after trauma: A guide for parents.