Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education 



Term 4 Reconciliation

Today Friday December 1, eligible students in Years 4, 5 and 6 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Receiving this sacrament regularly helps us to stop and reflect on the choices we are making in our lives and encourages us to change any unloving choices we have been making.


The Advent Wreath

Lighting the candles on the Advent wreath is one of the special things we do as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas time. This week Kindergarten are making their own Advent Wreaths as they prepare to celebrate Christmas.

First Sunday of Advent

This Sunday 3 December is the First Sunday of Advent and the start of the new liturgical year. This Sunday we light the first candle, a purple candle which we call The Prophets’ Candle and we remember all of the special people who prepared for the coming of the saviour.


Second Sunday of Advent

Next Sunday 10 December is the Second Sunday of Advent. We light the second candle, also a purple candle which we call The Bethlehem Candle and we remember Joseph’s and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem and all of their preparations for the birth of Jesus.


Third Sunday of Advent

Sunday 17 December is the Third Sunday of Advent. We light the third candle, a rose coloured candle which we call The Shepherds’ Candle and we remember the important role the shepherds had. It signifies the hope for the coming of Jesus and is rose for joy, the joy felt at the birth of Jesus.


Fourth Sunday of Advent

Sunday 24 December is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We light the fourth candle, a purple candle which we call The Angels’ Candle and we remember the role of the angels announcing peace on earth and goodwill for all people.


Christmas Day

On Christmas Day we light the centre candle on the Advent Wreath, a white candle which we call The Christ Candle and we remember and celebrate Jesus’ birth and that Jesus is the light of our world


End of Year School Mass

Our End of Year Mass will be celebrated on Friday 8 December at 9.30am. Everyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate and give thanks for the many blessings we have received this year. At this Mass we will be presenting the non perishable foods donated by our school community to representatives of the St Vincent de Paul Society, who will use them to create Christmas Hampers for people in need in our local area.


Year 6 Graduation Mass

The Year 6 Graduation Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 13 December at 6.00pm. This is a very special celebration in the lives of our Year 6 students as they complete their primary schooling and look forward to a new and exciting chapter in their lives when they commence high school next year. Following Mass there will be a special dinner at the Golf Club for our Year 6 students, their families and staff.


Donations for St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hamper

The St Vincent de Paul Society does a lot of great work assisting people and families in need in our local community. One of the things they do each year is provide families in need a helping hand at Christmas time with a food hamper. As we come closer to Christmas, we are looking to share the joy of Christmas with families and support the work of St Vincent de Paul by collecting food for the creation of Christmas Hampers in our local area. 


Please help us to make Christmas a special time for all, by donating nonperishable foods that families can enjoy over the Christmas season. These may include festive foods such as Christmas puddings, candy canes, salsa, chips, biscuits, chocolates and lollies…as well as foods that families can use to create a meal such as flour, sugar, pasta, rice, tins of soup, jelly, powdered custard and gravy… and long life juices and soft drinks…  


A special container has been placed in the front office foyer here at school for all food items. We will be presenting all donated foods to St Vincent de Paul at our End of Year Mass on Friday 8 December. Thank you.


Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses

Sunday 24 December Barraba 8.30pm

Monday 25 December Manilla 8.30am


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 


Legends of the Light Shine

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for Weeks 8-10 is ‘Joy’. Joy is kind of like happiness. We feel happy when good things happen to us, like I got a new bike or I won the race but after a while that feeling of happiness passes. Joy doesn’t go away, so it is more than happiness. Joy comes from the heart. It is the feeling that comes from a place of goodness and doing good. There is a great quote from Henri Nouwen; “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” As we prepare for and celebrate Christmas this year, may we choose joy and share the joy of the Christmas season with others.


Married Couples retreat 7-10 January at Immaculata Mission School

Married couples and children aged 13 and under are invited to the Immaculata Mission School from 7-10 January in Armidale. Guest speakers from the USA, Dan & Stephanie Burke, will give a retreat for married couples while children will have a special program full of faith, fun and activities. Dan & Stephanie have many years experience in giving retreats and strengthening couples in their love for each other and for God!

Cost (includes accommodation, food & all activities): $310 for adults, $200 for children aged 4-13, children 3 & under by donation

For more information and to register visit: http://www.immaculata.org.au/ims


Real Talk’s Parent Membership Site

Real Talk have sent the following communication for staff and families.


You (and your community) can gain access here https://realtalkparents.com/armidale. Valued at $49 it is FREE this year for your staff and families as part of our working relationship with Real Talk. Real Talk Parents Membership Site is a quality resource bank in the area's of eSafety, relationships and sex education. I'm sure many in your community will be helped and supported by accessing this resource in fostering Catholic values, resilience, and relationship success. So please encourage your parents and caregivers to take advantage of this Parent's Membership Site - because parenting doesn't come with an instruction manual!


Catholic Earthcare 

Families interested in joining the Catholic Earthcare Household Community can do so by signing up on the Caritas Australia Catholic Earthcare site.


We are very excited to have apples growing in our little orchard. Our fruit orchard was planted by staff and students in Term 4, 2021 with the goal that in years to come all students at St Michael’s will have access to fresh fruit.

“Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission