Farewell from                             Lindy Chaplin-Holmes

Dear OLHC Community,


After my first day as a teacher in Prep many years ago in a nearby school, I recall being told by one little girl’s mum about her child’s thoughts of me. It started something like this. “Gee Mum, she has big feet!” Well that hasn’t changed, but I know my teaching philosophies, knowledge of the curriculum and understanding of children’s learning needs certainly have.


Mr. P wrote in last week’s newsletter about my plans for ‘transition to retirement’. I prefer to see this as a new phase in my life or a redirection. Although the year 1/2 children I currently teach remind me that I am similar age to some of their grandparents, I know that if I can still sit on the floor with the children during Circle Time and meditation sessions, then I am doing well and I am truly grateful!


So as I pack up my classroom full of dress ups, soft toys, cushions, books, collection of letters and drawings, cockatoo feathers and so much more, I reflect on the simply wonderful years I have spent teaching so many fabulous children with their supportive families at OLHC. I have taught most year levels and been in roles as a FIRE Carrier Leader, Learning Diversity Leader and Wellbeing Leader. All of these precious opportunities will stay with me as fond memories of my time at OLHC.


It has been a privilege to get to know so many children’s personal interests and their family dynamics. Taking time to notice new shoes, missing teeth and haircuts are the cherished parts of being a teacher and often what matters most! These are what makes each day truly special. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to teach your children and my role in your families' lives.

I will leave you with a treasured letter which explains why teaching is the best!


My best wishes
