Year 6 High School Orientation Day

Year 6 Students and S. Cummings - Stage 3 Assistant Principal 

A majority of our Year 6 students will be attending their 2024 High School this Tuesday, 28th November, for an Orientation Day. Students will spend the day meeting school leaders, students and teachers, and will be given a tour of the school. Information will be explained about their high school with some fun activities included. 


Year 6 students were asked the question - How are you feeling about Orientation Day? These are some of their responses. Thank you to all of the Year 6 students who submitted a piece of writing about this question. Your time and honesty is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the time at your high school. The teachers and students are looking forward to hearing all about your new adventures. 



"Currently, I feel nervous about my upcoming orientation because I’ve been at this school for seven years. It is going to be quite different since most people I know aren’t going to be there to support me anymore. However, I do feel prepared for high school since I’ve been studying a lot. This orientation will help me with getting used to my new school and experience what it’s like." Newton 5/6S


" I am feeling anxious as I'm leaving primary school without any of my friends and for the first couple weeks I will be alone and have no one to go to, but at the same time I'm feeling excited as there will new activities and clubs to join. There will be more new people to meet, new teachers and areas to see and at the high school I'm at there are farm animals to take care of. So in conclusion, the anxious feelings are outweighed by the good and there are many exciting things to do at high school." Jack 6M


"Orientation Day is the biggest nerve racking and exciting event of all times. You will be meeting lots of new students and hoping to be in the same class as your classmates from Year 6. I am looking forward to exploring fun events and meeting new people. I’m 100% hoping to be in a BYOD class if there is one for Year 7 students." David 6B 


" At my Orientation Day I am feeling nervous and excited to get a tour of the school. The thing I'm most nervous about is that the work will be hard. I am mostly excited to cook and learn about tech." Andraws 6C 


" I am excited for the Orientation Day as we get to do fun taster lessons with our new high school and have a sausage sizzle. We will be able to talk to friends as well and socialise with others." Kevin 5/6H


"As the date for my upcoming high school orientation approaches, a variety of emotions engulf me. The anticipation of embarking on this new chapter of my life fills me with simultaneous excitement and nervousness. I am anxious because stepping into an unfamiliar environment can be daunting, and the thought of encountering new faces, new schedules/transitions and new expectations can be overwhelming.

However, amidst the anxiety, there is an undeniable sense of exhilaration within me. The prospect of exploring the school, finding amazing opportunities, making new friendships and discovering passions ignites enthusiasm. I am determined to approach my high school orientation with an open mind, ready to embrace the unknown and undertake a journey filled with personal growth and endless possibilities." Chloe 5/6S


"I feel pretty happy because I'm going to see new people. All the subjects are very useful in our everyday life and it will help my career to be a doctor. Hopefully I can get the job I want as I will meet many problems along the way. Also my friends are going to the same high school and I might meet more friends along the way. I might meet some real friends and tell them some things about me." Evan 6M


"As Orientation Day is coming closer and closer,  I have been having mixed emotions. I've been feeling a bit nervous because I'm scared that I'm going to get lost trying to find my way around the school but, I'm also still quite excited to go because my sister is there and I also know a few people from that high school. I am also excited to learn new things about the school and also meet students that I might be in the same class as. I'm a little scared mostly for the test that we have to do but I hope I do a good job at it." Karen 6B


"I feel excited because I have heard a lot of things about Orientation Day such as you are matched with a Year 11 student to do activities. You also get free food and drinks, take a tour of the school and do a test so the high school can know what knowledge I have. It will be a fun day." Brian 6C