P&C Update

Written by M.Glushkova (P&C President)

P&C Update Term 4, Week 8



P&C Christmas thank you lunch and last P&C meeting of 2023 – 22nd November. 

Last Wednesday, the P&C hosted a Christmas thank you lunch along with its last meeting for 2023 to thank all the volunteers that helped this year. Thank you to Lisa from LLS.cakesandco for doing the catering, Sarah for making choc chip cookies and I (Margaret) had made custom vegetarian spring rolls, panna cotta and jelly cups. 

We have had a wonderful year filled with many events and successes. Listed below are some of the events and contributions we have been able to organise and participate in:


  • P&C Meet and Greet
  • Zooper Dooper give-away
  • Easter Raffle
  • Mother’s Day Stall
  • Father’s Day Stall
  • Bunnings Garden Day
  • Art Competition
  • Spare Change Challenge/Pizza Reward
  • Helping to cover books in the library
  • Assisting with the running of the school leaders' cake stall
  • Gifts and desserts for SASS Appreciation Day and World Teachers' Day 
  • Library bags for Kindergarten Orientation 
  • Graduation gifts for preschool children
  • Photobooth for Year 6 Graduation
  • Cupcakes for Year 6 Graduation
  • Playground markings in the K-2 playground (still in the works)
  • Christmas Raffle and draw this Friday
  • Fun Day Friday the week after next, in which we will run a ‘Spin the wheel’ game with lots of prizes. We will also be donating bread rolls for the sausage sizzle.


What an amazing year it has been! Thank you everyone who helped and supported us. All of this would not have been possible without you all!




Covering books at the library – 17th & 22nd November. 

We covered lots and lots of library books, and had so much fun doing it.

Thank you to My Anh, Jennifer, Pat, Victoria and Natasha for helping all morning on Friday the 17th. There were so many books that we had to come back another day.

Thank you to Jennifer, Linda, Lina, Joey, Sarah, Allan, Maly, Nikki, Sophea and My Anh for coming on Wednesday the 22nd after the Christmas lunch. We managed to smash out all the books in record time.

I would like to pass on our thanks to Miss J. Lee and Mr B. Luxa for making us feel so welcome. Thank you for the wonderful work you do in the library.  



Christmas Raffle draw - 1st December 

We are so excited for our P&C Christmas Raffle draw this Friday. Thank you to these amazing companies who donated the below items to make our raffle possible.

Thank you to Shirley, our Vice President, who has been working closely with me to source these donations. Please look out in the next newsletter update for our official thank you notes and update on how the raffle draw went. You have one more week to still purchase tickets. Please pick up more tickets at the school’s office. 



P&C Meeting

Our next meeting is on the 21st of February 2024, where we will introduce the P&C.

Our second meeting is on the 6th of March 2024, where we will be voting on the P&C Executive team.


When you come to the meetings, you get to hear firsthand what the school is up to. During meetings, you have a chance to speak and be involved in what the P&C plans for the upcoming terms. 


Paid members can vote to help decide what the P&C does, and how we spend the funds. You can always see when our next meeting is in the newsletter - either in the P&C update or the Important Dates section.


We would also love to hear how YOU think we can all support our school community. 

If you haven't yet joined the P&C, you can still join by emailing us at sjppspandc@gmail.com,

or message us on the Facebook page : 'P&C of St Johns Park Public School'.

Let’s come together and make 2024 a fun year for our students.