Message from the Principal Team

Remembrance Day

On Monday we conducted a special school assembly to commemorate Remembrance Day on Saturday.


On 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and close to collapse, German leaders signed an Armistice, bringing to an end the First World War.


As a mark of respect to those who have been lost and injured, Australians are encouraged to pause at 11 am to observe one minute’s silence and remember those who died or suffered for Australia's cause in all wars and armed conflicts.


Carlton North PS is an inclusive school community and as we commemorate Remembrance Day we also acknowledge all of our people who fought for their Country. We recognise that those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who fought in conflicts were often not recognised for their service. We acknowledge those who have lost their lives.


2024 Foundation Transition Sessions 

On Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November our 2024 Foundation students attended their first transition sessions in readiness of commencing school next year. The incoming Foundation cohort was split up into two groups, with one group attending on Tuesday and the second group attending on Wednesday. Next week, the entire cohort will attend on Tuesday 21 November while the 2024 Foundation parents attend an information session.



As part of our Swimming in Schools Program, our Year 5/6 Students enjoyed a day at URBNSURF Essendon. The day included water safety, surfing and CPR. The students experience a real rip and how to navigate out of it. 

Learning Walks

On Monday our staff participate in Learning Walks across the school. Learning Walks involve a small group of staff visiting multiple classrooms and observing lessons with the aim of promoting conversations about teaching and learning. This group then feeds back their observation to all staff in a staff meeting in order to continue to build upon and further improve high quality teaching and learning to improve our students’ outcomes. The focus for this week’s learning walks was to observe the effectiveness of our teaching and learning model for Mathematics.


Staff Update

We are very pleased to announce Jane Bilby for being provisionally appointed Assistant Principal - Disability Inclusion at CNPS commencing 2024. Congratulations to Jane who has been Acting Assistant Principal since Erin Brown went on Family Leave in 2020. This new Assistant Principal role will focus on the new Disability Inclusion Profile process and Jane will support our staff to provide further support for our students with additional needs and to further extend our high achieving students. This role will be funded by the new Tier 2 School Level Funding for Disability Inclusion. The Disability Inclusion Profile is a new process for CNPS in 2024 and will slowly replace the Program for Students with Disability.


Congratulations to Maddi Davis for being appointed Acting Assistant Principal at Coburg Primary School for 2024. We will miss Maddi’s leadership as Learning Specialist at CNPS, however, this is a great opportunity to further her aspirations in School Leadership.


Staff Returning

We will be welcoming Assistant Principal, Erin Brown back to CNPS in 2024. Erin will be returning to the role 2 ½ days per week and we look forward to having a Principal Team of 3 moving forward. We will also be welcoming back Janai Collins in the office, Janai will also be returning part time in the role.  


New Appointments 

We are still in the process of recruiting staff including additional Education Support Staff and a classroom teacher, however, we can confirm and congratulate both Sam Guerra and Mary D’Cruz for being successfully appointed classroom teachers for 2024. Mary will be working 3 days per week sharing a class with Millie Holden as she has requested to work part time in 2024.


We can also introduce and welcome Kathleen Feeny and Anya Berlad to CNPS as classroom teachers in 2024. Both Kathleen and Anya are experienced teachers. Kathleen is joining us from Fitzroy North Primary School and Anya has recently moved to Australia from New Zealand, and has already been making connections with our students through her casual relief teaching at CNPS this year.  


Staff on Leave in 2024

In 2024, both Ben May and Eoghan O’Muirgheasa will be taking leave without pay. Ben will be working as a Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) and we will see him around. Eoghan is moving to Sydney for the year to spend time with his partner, Adi, who is currently working up there. We look forward to welcoming both Ben and Eoghan back as full time staff members at CNPS in 2025.


Foundation Team 2024 

We are very excited to share that Jacqui Woodard, Millie Holden and Mary D’Cruz are our Fabulous Foundation Teaching Team for 2024. Millie and Mary have both taught Foundation in previous years and are excited to work with Jacqui and welcome our new Foundation Students and new families to CNPS in 2024.


We are currently still in the process of determining the teaching teams for the rest of the school as this is dependent on finalising the recruiting process. We will communicate with the teams as soon as we have confirmed.


150 Year Anniversary Celebration Assembly and Morning Tea Monday 20 November at 9:15am

We are excited to be formally celebrating our 150 Year Anniversary with an Official Assembly followed by School Tours and then a Morning Tea in the Library on Monday at 9:15am. We have reached out to the Wurundjeri Council to arrange a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony and we have invited a number of special guests. Secretary of the Department of Education, Jenny Atta, has accepted our invitation to attend as has our local Member of Parliament Dr Tim Read and past Principal, Graham Stevenson.


We would also like to extend a warm invitation to our Carlton North Primary School community including past students and families.



Principal Team

Rachel Corben and Jane Bilby