
Student of the Week Awards - Week 7

FE - George H (Week 6)

FJ - Ottilie S (Week 6)

1/2B - Annabel L

1/2 J - Annaliese P

1/2E - Hanna S

3/4CO - Basil S-A

3/4S - Heidi J

5/6K - Alia A

5/6SM - James K

Matific Awards

Matific Student - Magnus

Matific Class - 1/2B

MiniLit Awards 

1/2B - Ayse

1/2J - Gus

1/2J - Massimo

1/2B - Quincy

MiniLit achievements 

We are so pleased and proud to share that the following students have completed Part A of the MiniLit program.  


Congratulations to Ayse S, Gus R, Massimo LS and Quincy H


You are all shining stars. What a wonderful group - you are such kind and thoughtful learning friends. I love how you help and support each other. I am very happy to continue working with you in the second half of the program. I can’t wait to hear your wonderful reading as you continue to learn and grow.  


You can look forward to being awarded with your beautiful certificates at Assembly in Week 7 (Friday 17 November).  


Best wishes and congratulations, 


Julia (Literacy Support)  

Foundation Breakfast

Last Friday FE & FJ woke up early and came into school in their dressing gowns with their bedtime toy to enjoy their first “Camp” experience. There was great excitement in the Foundation Foyer as they took their places around their breakfast blankets. The busy helpers served up a choice of juice, cereal, toast and fruit. Some children enjoyed seconds, thirds and more! Then the children washed and dried their dishes and brushed their teeth before starting the school day.

As one of the children said – “This was the best day ever!”.

Many thanks to all those who came in early to help and especially to Isabel for arranging all the food for us. We raised $44 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation with our gold coin donations. Many thanks.