
Important Dates

Monday 20th November- 150 Assembly and Morning Tea

Wednesday 22nd November - Summer Music Soiree 5pm-7pm

Bandanna Day

A big thank you to all those who helped support Canteen’s National Bandanna Day fundraising this week. We completely sold out of all styles by recess yesterday.

 Thanks to all of our student and community support, the SRCs were able to raise a total of $825!! 

This money will go towards supporting young people with cancer in a range of different ways, including support programs, counselling and accessing specialist services. 


Don’t forget to continue to show your support by wearing your bandanna tomorrow at school for our National Bandanna Day at school! If you missed out on purchasing one, please still come along and wear something colourful to show your support!





Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you to those families who have paid for all camps and activities for their child, or made alternative arrangements.


A reminder to please check Compass for any unpaid events. We would appreciate timely payment of all outstanding events, as these are invoiced on a user-pays basis.

Statements will also be sent out soon as a separate reminder.


Additionally, if you have not yet made a curriculum contribution for your child’s stationery this year, we would appreciate your consideration of this. The school ensures students are provided with all the items they require in the classroom to facilitate learning. We get these items at a reduced cost for purchasing in bulk, however it is still a large outgoing, so if you have not yet paid a contribution for this and would consider doing so, please see your Compass portal for details, or contact the office.


Thank you for your understanding.


The 'For Every Child' Campaign

The Australian Education Union (AEU) is behind the latest campaign to highlight the chronic underfunding of public schools and put pressure on the Federal and State Governments to provide equity in funding across all school sectors.


As part of this campaign, the union is asking school staff, parents and community members across Australia to sign a postcard. 

We have started gathering staff and school councillor signatures already.  There are postcards at the office counter, and AEU members will be at the gate on a day after school in the next couple of weeks, with the aim of gathering more.  All the signed postcards from across Australia will be given to the Prime Minister in late November. 

You can also sign up online to show your support at this link: For Every Child


From Ross Gittins in ‘The Age’:

“According to official figures collated by Trevor Cobbold, of Save our [public] Schools, combined annual federal and state funding grew by more than $2800 per independent school student over the nine years to 2020, after allowing for inflation. That compares with increases of almost $2500 per Catholic school student and just $830 a year per public school student

Across Australia this year, combined government funding is estimated to have provided private schools (Catholic plus independent) with 106 per cent of the Gonski-inspired, officially calculated ‘‘schooling resource standard’’ needed to meet the particular needs of their students. Public schools will get just 87 per cent of what they need.”

Our kids deserve better than this.