Student Awards

Y3 Lions Club Environmental Citizen Award

Congratulations to Marlee S and Frankie Q who received the Lions Club Environmental Citizens awards.  These students are well deserving recipients of this award and take pride in looking after the POPS environment by always picking up any rubbish in the yard and thinking of the biodiversity of our school. Our POPS hens are cared for by our Year 6 team but these students particularly enjoy visiting our hens and checking for fresh eggs. They both love to get their hands dirty in the garden and like to harvest fresh produce. They have carried out their roles this year as Nude Food Warriors and are to be congratulated for their work in tallying nude food data and encouraging students to be mindful of packaging.

Pettet Foundation Award

Congratulations to Georgia H the deserving recipient of the Pettet Foundation Award. Georgia is a trusted and respected member of the POPS community. She is a good role model who consistently upholds the school values and quietly assists her peers and teachers. She always speaks kindly and politely and is inclusive to all. Georgia can be counted on to ensure that younger students are ok and happy. She is diligent with her schoolwork and always puts her best effort into every task she is given. 

Mrs Daniel's Y4 Literacy Award

Well done to Meike C who received Mrs Daniel's Literacy Award this year. Meike has a passion for reading and particularly writing. She reads extensively and loves to be drawn into the world of an author’s creation. She talks robustly about the texts she is reading, inspiring her peers to be more adventurous with their book choices. She also draws people into her imaginative worlds through her incredibly detailed and descriptive writing. She writes with a creative voice, taking risks in writing from different perspectives. She is a person who is constantly working to develop her craft, and uses a vast vocabulary to express her ideas. 

Y4 Science Award

This award was proudly presented to Blake A who has a passion for science. He demonstrates a curiosity for the world around him and deep interest in science concepts. His inquiring mind sees him take pride in conducting investigations and drawing conclusions from the information he collects. He loves to share his observations and vast knowledge about the world of science.  Well done Blake.