Our Latest School Song:

Our Kaupapa is the way we do things - it is the way we walk towards and walk in - our purpose.
We start with WHO - our Who is our Vision -
Our children, our land, for our future.
The way we walk towards and in that Vision is by being Kaitiaki - guardians and protectors of the treasures that are our children and our land.
I tried to express this in a new school song that teaches us to be Kaitiaki of our taonga - guardians of our treasures. I put the words together; Matua Aaron McGreal worked his magic to make them singable. We are blessed at Werstern Heights with three incredibly talented musicians in Aaron McGreal, Isla Noakes and Mark McLay.
Our Waiata: The Translation:
Ā tātou tamariki Our children
Ō tātou whenua Our land
Ka ora te āpōpō For our future
Tātau Kaitiaki ahau We are Guardians
Maunga tall, and awa deep, Moutain tall, and river deep
Kaitiaki - our whenua keep. Guardians - our land keep.
Whānau care, hearts of song, Family care, hearts of song
Guide our steps, make us strong. Guide our steps, make us strong.
Ā tātou tamariki Our children
Ō tātou whenua Our land
Ka ora te āpōpō For our future
Tātau Kaitiaki ahau We are Guardians
For the future we will weave, For the future we will weave,
With our values we believe. With our values we believe.
Tamariki of Western Heights, Children of Western Heights,
Shaping Vision of what’s right. Shaping Vision of what’s right.
Ā tātou tamariki Our children
Ō tātou whenua Our land
Ka ora te āpōpō For our future
Tātau Kaitiaki ahau We are Guardians
Tātau Kaitiaki ahau We are Guardians
Kaitiaki of all that be, Guardians of all that be,
Guardians of the land and sea. Guardians of the land and sea.
Living Hope in every way Living Hope in every way
Help One Person Every Day Help One Person Every Day
Ā tātou tamariki Our children
Ō tātou whenua Our land
Ka ora te āpōpō For our future
Tātau Kaitiaki ahau We are Guardians