Getting Help

We are here to listen and help



At Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety). Celebrating and affirming all young people in the Charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Sacred Heart, we value the dignity and individuality of each person in our community and seek to live in a community guided by justice and fairness for all.


For our students to flourish academically and in all areas of their lives, it is important that they are happy and enjoy being at school. Their safety and physical and mental wellbeing are of paramount importance to us.


Read the MSJ Student Friendly - Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy HERE



Mental HealtheHead 650 890
Beyond 22 4636
 Reach 114
 Kids 551 800
 Orygen Youth 888 320
Eating Disorders Butterfly 33 4673
Eating Disorders 550 236
Suicide Suicide 651 251
Family Violence Domestic Violence 015 188 737 732
Drug & Alcohol CounsellingYouth Drug & Alcohol Advice (YoDAA) 458 685

*Information current as of 04/12/2023


The College has one full time psychologist and one full time social worker who are available to help students and their families. Our Wellbeing Team includes Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing, Director of Student Wellbeing, Year Level or House Leaders, Teachers and Learning Mentors.


We encourage any student who feels unsafe to confide in a trusted adult or contact the College’s Child Safety Officers,  in person or by email:





The Counselling Service at the College is designed to provide help and support to students and their families. Young people’s lives have many different facets and sometimes they can experience difficulties in managing these. Counselling can provide a safe, private and confidential space to explore personal issues. Students are supported to manage emotions, examine their thinking patterns and build skills in personal development. Students can speak to the counsellors for a range of issues.


Students can ask for counselling by using the self-referral form on SIMON. Year Level/House Leaders often refer students for counselling and there is also a Parent Referral Form. Even though an adult may refer a young person to counselling, privacy and confidentiality of the counselling sessions are maintained unless the student is at significant risk.

  • Individual counselling
  • Family support
  • Information on wellbeing
  • Skill development for positive communication
  • Parenting workshops
  • Referrals to other health and mental health service providers


“A student is being bullied or victimised when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. A single instance of more serious harassment can be regarded as bullying under certain circumstances.” (Olweus, 1993)


Forms of bullying can include:

  • Verbal/Written Bullying: Harm to a student through the spoken or written word
  • Social Bullying: Harm to a student’s group acceptance
  • Physical Bullying: Harm to a student or their property
  • Sexual Bullying: Harm to a student’s gender, morals or sexual orientation
  • Cyber Bullying: Harm to a student through the use of information or communication technology.


If you believe your child is being bullied, you will need to:

  • Listen to your child and understand what she is experiencing.
  • Provide good advice and support; discussing the bullying with teachers at the school is an important step in the process. Always try to keep an open mind as you are hearing only one part of the story.
  • Collect and write down all the information your child is giving you. Obtain as many facts as you can in your discussions with your child.
  • Work with the College to solve the problem. The College takes its responsibility in relation to bullying very seriously and we have more success when parents/carers work with the College to solve the bullying problem and see the College as an ally.
  • Make an appointment with the relevant staff member such as the Learning Mentor, Year Level/House Leader or Director of Students to meet and discuss the situation. As a College, we will investigate and talk to teachers and other students. The College will also provide counselling support to both the victim and the perpetrator.
  • It is helpful for the College if parents/carers report all incidents of bullying that they are aware of and not just incidents that happen to their own child.


At MSJ, our emphasis involves a prevention and intervention focus where the College will always provide a positive culture where bullying is not accepted, and all students are given the right to learn and to feel respected and safe in the school environment.


Read the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy HERE