Quick Reference

Everything you need to know about the daily operations of the College


All enrolled students are required to attend school each day. Students are required to inform the Principal and their teachers of a negotiated absence in advance and arrange for the completion of work requirements in order to minimise disruption to learning. Students are required to follow up on any schoolwork they have missed during an unplanned absence.


Students are required to provide a written explanation from their parents/carers outlining dates and reasons for any absence upon their return to school.


Parents/carers are required to call the College on 8398 2000 or place an absence on the Parent Access Module (PAM) before 9.00am if their child is absent from school for any reason. Senior students must provide a medical certificate for all absences. A written note must accompany a student on their return to school, even when a phone call has been made notifying of their absence. This must be provided to the Learning Mentor.


Extended Holidays

If students are taking extended family holidays, beyond normal holidays, their parent/carer should write a letter to the Year Level Leader or House Leader one month before the commencement of the holiday. Extended absence can be very serious in Years 10 – 12 and may result in the courses being ‘unfinished’ and no grade awarded, no grade refers to VCE SAC zero score for non-attendance. Parents/Carers need to be aware that Year 12 trial exams occur during the Term 3 holidays.



Students who are ill or suffer an injury during class or during the school day must inform their teacher, then go to the Front Office.

  • Students should ask the Front Office to contact their parent/carer if they need to leave the school due to illness.
  • Students must not contact their parent/carer via their own mobile phone.
  • No student should be allowed to go home unless there is someone at home to look after her. All students should be collected by an authorised adult; either a parent/carer or emergency contact.College Cafe And Nutrition Information

Late Arrivals

Students who arrive late to school should report to the Front Office to sign in and report to their class 

teacher. Students should have a note from their parent/carer explaining their late arrival.


Leaving School Before The End Of The Day

To leave early, students must have written permission from their parent/carer which has been signed by the Learning Mentor. The Year Level/House Leader should also be notified.


Students should report to the Front Office at the time they need to leave to sign out.

Parents/Carers may collect their child from the Front Office without a note if the occasion arises. However, this is usually only for emergency situations.


The College Cafe provides food at reasonable prices. Students are able to purchase breakfast, recess and lunchtime food. A pricelist is given to students at the commencement of each year and can also be obtained from the Front Office. Lunch orders with money are to be written on the bags provided and handed in at the canteen before school. Lunches are then collected from the Cafe at the commencement of lunch.


If a student forgets to bring their lunch, they should see their Year Level/House Leader before the start of the school day. The Year Level/House Leader will provide the student with a ‘Lunch Voucher’ and they will be provided with lunch from the Cafe. It is the responsibility of the student to re-pay the canteen on the following day.

Front Office

The College Front Office is open from 8.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday during school term, and 8.00am to 4.00pm during term breaks. Front Office staff are available to assist students at recess and lunchtime.


School fees may be left at the Front Office and receipts picked up later in the school day.


All students are issued with a personal locker and lock. It is an expectation that a student’s locker is kept tidy and all personal belongings are secured in it. Locks are to be retained for the following year and all items removed from lockers. At the end of the year, student lockers will be relocated, so all items must be removed.


The College publishes the ‘Synergy’ newsletter. Synergy contains important information for the College community as well as providing an opportunity to highlight the endeavours of our students. Parents/Carers are asked to read the newsletter. Synergy is available on the College website. The link to the newsletter will be emailed to parents/carers.


If you would like to submit articles consideration of inclusion in the newsletter, please email synergy@msj.vic.edu.au

Student Drivers

Students who have obtained their Probationary Driver’s Licence may apply for permission to drive to school. Applications are available from the Year Level/House Leader. Students may not drive to school without the knowledge and consent of the College authorities and parents/carers. This is to ensure the safety of all students in the event of any mishap. Students also need to inform the College and gain parental permission to be a passenger in a vehicle driven by another student.

Student Medication Plan

All current anaphylaxis, allergy, asthma, diabetes and epilepsy plans must be on “PAM”. They must also be scanned and uploaded to PAM, each school year.


Parents are expected to provide their child withan Epipen which is to carried with them at all times. to be stored at the Front Office. When students go on an excursion, the supervising teacher will carry an additional Epipen with them.


All students are expected to carry their medication to PE classes, excursions and camps or with them as required.

Visitors To The School

All visitors must report to the Front Office, sign in, and collect a visitors’ pass. Students should not invite friends/relatives to visit them on the school premises.

Chewing or Bubble Gum

Chewing or bubble gum is strictly not allowed at the College. It damages property and is bad for the environment when it is discarded carelessly. Students found with gum will receive an immediate lunchtime or afterschool reflection which may include removing gum using the appropriate equipment from the College grounds and furniture.