
How to keep in touch

Student Diary & Student Handbook

The following applies to the use of the student diary and student handbook at Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College:


Printed Diary

  1. The printed diary remains the property of the College and is designed to assist you in planning your studies and activities.
  2. The printed diary is not meant to contain material of a personal nature and is not to be defaced by inappropriate writing or drawings. If your Learning Mentor or Year Level/House Leader deems your diary to be in an inappropriate state, you will be required to purchase a new one.
  3. The printed diary serves as a record of your time at MSJ and a summary of your progress.
  4. Take your printed diary to all classes and Learning Mentor sessions. This handbook should be bookmarked and a link saved on your laptop homescreen.
  5. All home study requirements are to be written in the diary.
  6. If you lose this diary, please inform your Learning Mentor immediately. If the diary is not found, you will be required to purchase a new one from the Year Level/House Leader.
  7. Your teachers may use this diary as a means of routine communication. You must show these notes to the person concerned for a signature.
  8. The diary is to be used exclusively to record school matters and events. It is not to be used as a personal planner.
  9. Make sure that you are aware of all the content within your diary so that you can make the best use of it.

Student Electronic Handbook

  1. This handbook will be updated reguarly. Students will notified of changes made to this handbook.
  2. A link to this handbook can be found in the bookmarks bar of your laptop.

Parent/Teacher Communications

Parents/Carers who wish to contact students or staff members need to be aware of the following procedures:

  1. If a student needs to contact a parent/carer, permission to use the telephone must be obtained from the Year Level/House Leader who will then make the call in their office.
  2. Students are asked to refrain from contacting their parent/carer via email or mobile phone whilst they are at school.
  3. No student may go home without express written permission of the parent/carer and then approved by the Year Level/House Leader. The student must be collected by a parent/carer and leave via the Front Office where they will be required to sign out.
  4. Students who are ill must be collected by a parent/carer.
  5. If a parent/carer brings a forgotten lunch, sports uniform etc., it must be handed in to the Front Office – NOT taken to the classroom.
  6. If a parent/carer wishes to contact a teacher, such contact is made through the Front Office or via school email. If he/she is unavailable, a message may be left at Reception, and the teacher will return the call.
  7. Conferences with teachers are scheduled throughout the year to provide opportunities for parents and carers, students and their teachers to work together to support learning. Interview times can be booked online through the Parent Access Module.
  8. Parents/Carers are required to complete a PAM registration for each student. All excursions require parents/carers to authorise permission through PAM. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to keep medical and personal information updated.
  9. All feedback on student learning progress and achievement is provided through the College Learning Management System, Canvas. Grades and teacher feedback are available to parents on an ongoing basis online and should be checked on a regular basis.

Student/Teacher Communication

Please refer to the student policies page HERE.