News From Around The School ~

Early Years ~ 1/2
Lower Years ~
What a success the 3/4 bake sale was on Tuesday! We raised $710.70!
Children baked items at school or at home and made decorations for the day. 3/4 children were selling items, collecting money and calculating change. The children will use this money to purchase gifts for the giving tree.
A big thank you for everyone's generosity in supporting our bake sale!
St. Mel's Athletic's Day
Last Friday was our Athletics Day. The day was hot, totally the opposite to when we had to cancel in term 3. Despite the hot conditions, our students were exceptional in their participation and encouragement of one another. Congratulations to Red House (O’Reilly) who were the overall house team winners. A special mention to several of our students who received a spirit award on the day. Congratulations to the following students:
Michael Kita & Ethan Currey (great helpers and encouragement)
Niall McCarroll & Harry Campbell (High Jump extraordinaries ~ clearing 149cms!!)
Lilly Aradazza & Hayley Austin (Good Sportsmanship and team encouragement)
Thank you to our St. Anne's Year 11 students & Nicole Dainton who assisted us in leading our events on the day. These students were all great role models.
Little Angler Kits ~
Thank you to Daniel Gleeson who helped to organise this great initiative below for our school and was able to present our Year 5 students with their fishing rods & kids. Some very excited students.
The Victorian Government is investing $1.5 million from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund to provide up to 95,000 Little Angler Kits to primary school aged children in Victoria.
The free kits provide a wonderful school holiday activity for children with their families and help ease the cost of living, providing a fun activity close to home.
Grade 5 students at all Victorian schools, including St Mel's, will be offered the opportunity to receive a FREE Little Angler Kit.