Catholic Identity

If there is one word that we should never tire of repeating, it is this: dialogue. We are called to promote a culture of dialogue by every possible means and thus to rebuild the fabric of society.’
Pope Francis- Address upon receiving the Charlemagne Prize, May 6, 2016
St. Mel's Parish Sacramental Program ~
We welcome our Sacramental candidates & families to St. Mels's this Thursday 23rd November at 6.30 pm for our Reconciliation Cluster Group.
We pray for our students and families undertaking their sacramental journey as they prepare to make their First Reconciliation on Thursday, November 30th at St Mel’s Christ the King Church.
St. Mel's End of Year & Graduation Mass ~ All Welcome
This a beautiful opportunity to acknowledge our Year 6 Student Leaders & farewell them as they start their Secondary School journey. It is also a great celebration of our 2023 school year and would love to see our whole school community in attendance.
Our Picnic Tea is a great celebration after our Mass. Feel free to BYO your family's dinner or a BBQ will be provided. BBQ Order Forms will be out in the coming days.
Kindness ~ Our Call to Mission
This term during Religious Education we have been focussing on 'Our call to Mission' and reaching out to others as Jesus did. These units develop the students’ concept of mission as being like Jesus, caring and sharing in a loving way for people in need. These concepts also assist students in discerning how they can share with others in need, in their family, school, in their own country and through mission works overseas.
These units of work have linked beautifully with Kindness Week. During this week we saw units in our school hold a Bake Sale to raise money to purchase gifts for our School Giving Tree, students focus on 'random acts of kindness' and start collecting much-needed donations for St. Vinnie's Christmas Appeal.
Keep an eye out for our Kindness Christmas Bear 'Kenzie' ~ who will help us prepare during the Season of Advent by continuing our Kindness Mission. Kenzie's favourite hobby is 'Spreading Joy'! We can't wait to see what she gets up to in the coming weeks.
Here is Kenzie joining in with the 1/2's Prayer Journalling as they focus on following in Jesus' footsteps and finding ways to 'help others' this week.
Feast of Christ the King ~
This Sunday the 26th of November marks the feast of Christ the King (the name of our church in St. Mel's Parish). The Feast of Christ the King marks the end of ordinary time in the liturgical calendar and we move into the season of Advent and begin the new liturgical year. In our next newsletter, we will focus on the Season of Advent.
Fr Rene's Installation Mass ~
We welcome Fr Rene & Fr Ruel to our Parish & School Community. Both Fr Rene & Fr Ruel have felt so warmly welcomed. We look forward to working with both Fr Rene & Fr Ruel as we continue close connections with our Parish. Please see the Parish Bulletin below for more information on Fr Rene's Installation Mass & dinner.
St. Mel's Giving Tree ~
It is a beautiful tradition at St. Mel's that each year we provide Christmas gifts for people in in need in our community, through the help and support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
If you are able to and wish to donate, please provide a small gift that was been wrapped and labelled for whom the gift would be suitable. For example 10 year old boy, Girl - 5 years. Gifts can be sent to school with students and they can place them under our Giving Tree in our school foyer.
On the last Wednesday of school the gifts will be given to St. Vinnie's for distribution before Christmas. What a wonderful way to share in the spirit of joy and hope this Christmas Season. Thank you for your support.
Christmas Cards for Catholic Missions
Please see the flyer below ~ We will start selling these next week before & after school and from the office.
Liturgical Calendar ~November
ANNUAL MASS OF REMEMBRANCE ~ Each November, a Mass of Remembrance is held to remember parishioners who have died over the past year and to remember all our loved ones who have died. The Mass will take place this Wednesday, November 22, at 7pm in St Mel’s, Christ the King Church. All welcome.
Danae Napier
Deputy Principal / Religious Education Leader.
St Mels Church Bulletin & other important information:
Dear Parishioners,
On Sunday, 26th November we have the opportunity to witness and participate in a very special event here at St Mel's Church. Father Rene Ramirez will be installed as our new Parish Priest by the Most Reverend Shane Mackinlay, Bishop of the Diocese of Sandhurst.
This Installation as Parish Priest will take place at our 5pm Mass. A number of dignitaries will be present as well as representatives of the Rogationist Order and friends of Fr Rene’s from Maidstone and overseas.
Following this Mass, we are inviting parishioners to dinner at the Goulburn Valley Hotel to celebrate with Fr Rene. We encourage as many as possible to attend to help make this a joyful event as it represents an important moment in Fr Rene’s priesthood and is a wonderful way to welcome him to our Parish.
To attend we ask that you book online via this link:- St Mel's Parish Welcome Dinner for the Rogationists
The dinner will consist of a set menu with an alternate drop of two main courses and two desserts. The cost of the dinner is $50. Drinks can be purchased at bar prices and complimentary tea and coffee will be available.
Due to the short time frame, we must close bookings at midnight on Monday, 20th November as the GV Hotel needs to know final numbers by next Tuesday. We apologise for the short notice but hope you can come along and help make it a great evening.
The online booking system allows you to stipulate any dietary requirements and pay for the dinner. For those who are unable to book online, we will open the Parish House and in the Gathering Room we will be available to take bookings and cash payments on Friday, 17th November, between 11am and 2pm.
Please forward this email and link onto any interested people you believe may not have received this.
Thank you in anticipation,
Xavier Tanner
Chair, St Mels Parish Pastoral and Mission Council