Second Hand Book Sale

YEAR 07 TO 12 SECOND-HAND BOOKSALE – Help needed please!
The Second-Hand Book sale will be on again this year.
Buyers and Sellers sheets available on the College Website. If you are selling books, a seller's sheet MUST accompany the books to be sold when dropped off.
Sale Days will take place in G2 and will be on:
Friday 8 December from 3pm to 7pm
Saturday 9 December from 10am to 1pm
Tuesday 12 December from 9 – 10.30am and 2.30 – 4pm (Year 07 Orientation Day)
Year 10, 11 and 12 students can drop off their books and uniform to sell at Reception, any time after their exams.
Year 07 – 09 students can drop off books at G2 at the following times:-
Year 08 & 09 students
Friday 1 December 9am – 10am (go to home group first) & 3.15pm – 4.30pm.
Outside those hours, they can be left at Reception with a completed form by students or parents.
Year 07 students
Monday 4 December & Tuesday 5 December 9am – 10am (go to home group first) & 3.15pm – 4.30pm.
Outside those hours, they can be left at Reception with a completed form by students or parents.
The book sale and second-hand uniform shop are a great service to the school community and are also good fundraisers.
They are win-win with money back to families and also to the school. Please support them, if you can, by buying and selling your books and uniform through the school.
Uniform items donated or for sale can be left at Reception at any time with a Sellers sheet.
We need helpers to check and code all the books as they are dropped off by the students (from Monday 4-8 December 2023) and also, of course, to sell the books on the sale days.
Helpers will get first pick of books for sale! Please let me know if you are able to help anytime during that week –we really need you!
Cathie Clarke (Coordinator)
Ph: 9459 2278 or 0411 883 904