AFM French poetry competition 2024

AFM French poetry competition 2024


CONGRATULATIONS to the following Years 5 and 6 students who participated in the 2024 Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition, run by the Alliance Française de Melbourne:


All our CHPS students received a score of AT LEAST 17/20 for their recital which is a wonderful effort


GRADE 6 - Juliette Richards, Finn Darvall, Molly Dileo, Alice Giles, Romi Kauthen, Henry Maxton, Louis Merrett, Libby Segal, Camilla York (special mention as a Mandarin student, she received 19-19.5 !!)


GRADE 5 - Poppy Antoniazzi, Angus Baker, Sophia Douros, Adelaide Emmerick, Matilda Keith, Zoë Kennon, Ellie Moriarty, Mahi Ni Chonghaile, Ashton Ridge, Elliot Woodward


5 students from CHPS received a perfect score of 20/20!! 


These student are:

GRADE 5: Zoë Kennon and Ashton Ridge

GRADE 6: Finn Darvall, Libby Segal and Romi Kauthen


These students have just competed in the finals of the competition against all other Victorian students of their age who received a perfect score, and we will receive their finals results shortly.


Congratulations again to all students.

Félicitations !!


Here’s one of the poems from the competition this year (Year 6):




Rika Zarai 


Skater Libby, Year 6
Skater Libby, Year 6

Pour aller faire du skate, 

prends tes baskets 

et laisse-toi glisser, laisse-toi glisser. 

Sur la planche à roulettes, 

Rien ne t'arrête, 

et c'est ta liberté, c'est ta liberté. 

Sur un pied, sur la main 

À l'endroit, à l'envers 

Le free style te va bien 

C'est extra, c'est super ! 
