String, Percussion, Brass
A story of loneliness
But happiness too
Bonnie Cameron
Beautiful music
Echoing throughout the hall
Percussion and strings
Harvey Gregorevic
Lovely music
Cheerful applause at the end
A story was told
Harrison Gunn
The instruments chimed
The peasant prince told through sound
Music to my ears
Louis Anderson
At the MSO
Music filled the room calmly
It was beautiful
Juni DeFosteri
Music at its best
Gather round story untold
Knocked out of their seats
Lucas Muir
Marvelous music
Passionate sound filled the room
Beautiful story
Agnes Vaughan
Beautiful music
He dances like the soft wind
The melodic sound
Madeleine Goh
The orchestra played
People played in symphony
We all clapped and cheered
Etta Morrison
MSO Onomatopoeia Sentences/Poems by 4LL
Following the MSO excursion, 4LL wrote sentences and short poems experimenting with onomatopoeia.
The echoing gong sound seeps through the room as the crowd cheers. (Beau)
The double bass cracked in my ears - ring, ring, bang.
A wave of music bashed over my ears.
The drums went bang, bang and sang.
The MSO had started. ( Priscilla)
The ringing sound of the clashing cymbals,
The plucking sound of the cello. (Leo)
Click! The woodblock player hits the piece of wood. (Elijah)
The triangle rang in my ears. (Remy)
Bang, bang! The sound echoed in my ears. (Hanan)
The boom of the French horn billowed through the room. (Hugo)
The booming of the kettle drum bounced around my ears.
The slow pinging of the harp made me feel like I was walking into a dream.
The rhythmic plonking of the woodblock rang through the concert hall. (Maggie)
Click, click the man taps the wood block and kids are screaming YAY! (Stepan)
Bong, the rushed sounds of the city echo through the crowd. (Grace)
The drums banging and booming,
The metal triangle tinging. (Mateo)
TOCK! The wood block player hit his block. (Joaquin)
The ticking of the triangle tingled in my ear.
All the thousands of people were chattering away waiting for the music to start.
All of a sudden - tock, as the woodblock played.
The music was ringing in my ear. (Audrey)
Hoot, ring, click! The woodblock player has started donging, tinging, dinging. (Bo)
The humming of the viola echoes from wall to wall of the theatre
Suddenly the chatter of the noisy crowd finishes as the harp is brought out.
Applause and cheers bolt along the crowd like a Mexican wave. (Harriet)
Tock! The woodblock makes an echo. Everyone cheers - yay! (Raph)