KSC had some visitors from RACE Victoria on Tuesday, looking at career education in agriculture. 


KSC Like Minds students interviewed Amy and Grace from RACE Victoria as part of their current “Future Earth Project”. This project explores and expands their understanding on sustainability, energy, agriculture, water, technology and current research towards global sustainability.


The Year 10 STEAM class learnt how to code Edison robots to do work on their farms and how this can increase efficiencies in agriculture. And also talked about autonomic tractors (self-driving farm equipment that performs its duties without an operator sitting in the cab) and their uses within the Agriculture industry, and electronic tagging and GPS capabilities in tracking farm animals and their behaviours.


Year 10 Applied Science classes, who are currently studying genetics, looked at Genomics and how this data is used by farmers to improve the quality of stock and increase production within a dairy herd. These students will also visit a farm later in the term for some hands-on experience.


Thanks to Amy and Grace from RACE, and Veronica from GippsDairy for your presentations and for enlightening students on the diversity of careers available in Agriculture.