Last week I had the opportunity to speak with our Year 7, 8 and 9 students at their respective Year Level Assemblies. As part of this I heard from students about what’s great about being at our school at the moment, and their Year Level Co-ordinators also shared their perspective on what is going well for their year level at the moment. I heard a lot about students feeling connected with their peers and students at multiple levels also spoke about a positive connection with their mentor.
I also heard from students about what wasn’t working for them at the moment. Students engaged in this conversation very constructively and there are a few students that I’m going to catch up with this week to hear more about what they raised.
Finally, I shared some data with the students. I showed them the long-term average behaviour data for students in their year level for each week of the year, then showed them their data against this. I challenged the students to beat the long term average each week, and will work with them to put on a reward for this if they can beat it three weeks in a row. I then led the students through a discussion around ‘Respect’, making clear what our school expectations are, and asking them to identify some positive behaviours that they could focus on over the next three weeks that will help ensure they can beat the long term averages each week.
I am very happy to say that our Year 8 students did in fact beat the long-term behaviour data for their year level last week!
In three weeks I’ll attend the next round of Year Level Assemblies. I look forward to hearing more about what life is like for our students at the moment and sharing updated data with them.
Last Sunday was National Sorry Day, also known as National Healing Day, a day that acknowledges the Stolen Generation and seeks to remind us of the ongoing work toward reconciliation. Following National Sorry Day, this week is National Reconciliation Week. As leaders of our community, we acknowledge the role we play in continuing to lead this work. We will be sharing Acknowledgements of Country with the school each morning along with other events this week to recognise the significance of Reconciliation. We also acknowledge that these days of recognition can be very challenging for First Nation people of our community.