Principal's Message 

Eucharist Commitment Mass - thanks to all families for your support of your children 

Eucharist Masses - Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June 

               Prayer for Children Preparing for                          First Eucharist

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with humble hearts, thankful for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and for the precious Sacrament of the Eucharist.  As our children prepare to receive this holy sacrament for the first time, we ask for Your abundant blessings upon them.

Lord, guide these young hearts as they come to understand the profound mystery and grace of the Eucharist. Open their minds to the teachings of Jesus and fill their spirits with a deep sense of reverence and love for Your presence in this sacrament.

Grant them the wisdom to appreciate the beauty and significance of the Eucharist, the courage to embrace their faith fully, and the joy to celebrate this sacred occasion with a pure and grateful heart. May their preparation be a time of spiritual growth and deepening of their relationship with You.

Bless their parents, teachers, and all who are guiding them on this journey. Give them the strength and wisdom to nurture these children in faith, providing them with the support and encouragement they need.

Jesus, You welcomed the little children with open arms, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14) We entrust these children to Your loving care. May they always find joy and peace in Your presence.

We pray that this preparation period will be a time of blessing for our whole community, strengthening our faith and bringing us closer together in Your love.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.




Dear Families,


The Term 2 School Closure Day will be held on Monday 27th May 

Learning Focus -The staff team will continue focusing on our Curriculum Development.    We will welcome Madeleine Kelly, Learning Consultant, Melbourne Archdiocese Schools, to lead the staff in their understanding of recent curriculum innovations.     


Out of School Hours Care - the Out of School Hours Care program will operate 

from 6.30am - 6.00pm on Monday 27th May. 





If you have a child ready for Prep 2025, we encourage you to please put in an enrolment form as soon as possible. This will help us with organisation purposes. To access an enrolment form:

  • Visit the enrolment section of our school website and download an enrolment form 


Semester 1 Parent-Child-Teacher Interviews - Monday 24th June 

Semester 1 Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews on Monday 24th June 

We advise parents that Semester 1 Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews will take place on Monday 24th June between 2.30pm and 7.00pm.   Interviews will be 10 minutes and held in the School Hall.   

To streamline the booking process you can click on the direct link below


OR scan the booking QR code 









The School Interview Booking site will be open from 3.00pm on Thursday 23rd May.

We encourage all children to be active participants in the 10 minute interviews.    This provides an opportunity for children to share their learning journey and successes with their family and to also be active responsible participants in their own learning.  


Semester 1 Student Reports will be distributed to families on Friday 21st June. 



Prep C - Semester 1 Parent/Child/Interviews will be held on Wednesday 19th June

Prep C families have been made aware that Holly Capomolla will be taking a period of leave from Monday 24th June, (the last week of term 2) till Friday 19th July (the first week of term 3).   Holly will return to her teaching duties on Monday 22nd July.

As Holly will be on leave for the Semester 1 Parent/Child/Teacher Interviews on 24th June.   An alternate date for Prep C interviews is scheduled for Wednesday 19th June between 3pm and 6.30pm.   


To streamline the booking process, you can click on the direct link below. 


OR use this QR code 








Staff News - Farewell and Thank You Beth Kromer 

Families will have received an Audiri post on Tuesday morning advising of the news of Beth Kromer concluding her employment at St Andrew’s school on Friday 31st May.   Beth will be returning home to Canada with her partner Ian, as he takes on new and exciting career opportunities. 

Please find the link below to the letter that provides full details relating to Beth's contribution to our school and related news.


Welcome Kayla Puetz - Physical Education Teacher/Teaching Role 

We are delighted to inform families that we have appointed Kayla Puetz to fill the physical education/classroom role as vacated by Beth Kromer.   

Kayla has worked at St Andrew’s School in a relief teacher role throughout the past 12 months.  Kayla will commence the role knowing our school practices and most importantly will have a relationship with, and an awareness of the majority of our children, upon commencing the role.  

Kayla will commence the role from Monday 3rd June. 


Prep 2024 Family Evening -  rescheduled to Wednesday 12th June (6pm - 7.30pm) 

Parents were advised on Monday of the need to postpone the Prep Curriculum evening as previously set for Wednesday 22nd May. 

Please note that the Prep 2024 curriculum evening has now been rescheduled to Wednesday 12th June. 

We look forward to welcoming Prep parents and children to this event.    Please be aware that childminding will be available on the evening.   

Congratulations Out of Hours Program (Youth Leadership Victoria) Team! 

We congratulate Jennifer, Honorine, Isabella and Romain, members of the Youth Leadership Victoria Out of Hours Care team, on their recent feedback from the recently published National Quality Standard Assessment Report.  The purpose of this report is to provide an assessment of the education and care service provided at our school against the National Quality Standard (NQS) and the National Regulations.  The Out of Hours Care team is rightfully delighted to have fulfilled the requirements of all 7 of the criteria to meet national quality standards. 

As a school community we are most fortunate to have such an engaging and caring team of staff supporting our children at the Out of Hours Care program. From a school leadership perspective we are most appreciative that we can work side by side with a highly effective Out of Hours program which adds so greatly to what we as a team can offer to our community members. 


The extract below, taken from the report, provides an insight into the effectiveness of the program and the relationships that the Out of Hours team develop with our children: 

‘Each educator’s practice reflected a deep commitment to building and maintaining respectful and equitable relationships with each child. Educators greeted children warmly on arrival and consistently engaged with them in the indoor and outdoor environments. Interactions between educators and children maintained each child’s dignity and rights, and warm, familiar, and respectful interactions were observed, promoting a sense of belonging and inclusion across the service.’


$400 School Saving Bonus 

You can read the MACS media release - here

Last week the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in Government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.

This is deeply unfair.  We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students. It should not be based on which school you attend. 

This policy punishes families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school.

St Andrew’s School and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help.   We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.  Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern.

Either the payment should apply to all students, or it should be means tested for all students, as has been the case with programs like the Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund.





Working Bee

We look forward to welcoming families to our Term 2 Working Bee on Saturday 25th May from 8.30am - 10.30am  An Operoo form has been sent out, to register your attendance. 


Parents are requested to sign in at the desk outside the school office on arrival and to sign out when you depart.  Families who attend one Working Bee per year,  will have the $75 maintenance fee credited from their statement. 

A job list providing outlines of the various tasks to be covered on the morning will be available.

We encourage parents with wheelbarrows, shovels, brooms, rakes etc to bring them along for the morning.  

We hope to see you there!


Student Free Day

Please book online at 









Please be extremely careful when you are parking,  reversing and moving from the parking bay.  Always be patient  and alert for students, toddlers and community members. 

Please obey all signs, speed restrictions and be respectful to neighbours and community members.  

2024 School Calendar 

The 2024 School Calendar is available on the School Website. It can be found mid-way down on the front page under the heading ‘WHAT’S ON’.   We will endeavour, where possible, to remain true to the dates on the 2024 calendar. We would recommend that parents make a regular visit to the school website to see updates on all school events.




Paul Wakeling
