From the Enviro Team
Working Bee Update
We spent a sunny morning at the latest working bee on 18th May, there was lots of weeding, nest-box inspections, transplanting and good chats over a hot cuppa. The next Working Bee will be held on Saturday 15th June, come along! Check the MGC Instagram for more details.
Polly and Audrey helping Mr Vance to check our nesting boxes, and finding some very cosy ringtail possums curled up for a sleep!
Transplanting Teerat (native geranium) from our raised garden beds (our very own plant nursery) where we raise seedlings to increase the biodiversity of the Murnong patch.
Lots of interesting fungi popping up in the Murnong patch! 🍄
Biodiversity Shout-out
An exciting couple of weeks for our year 8 students who have seen some real change in their seedlings! All 260 Year 8 students are conducting a long-term experiment as part of their biology unit. They are growing native plants that can be planted in our very own Murnong patch. Check out the Australian indigo Indigofera australis, billy button Pycnosorous globosus, paper daisy Helichrysum monstrosum, golden pea Aotus ericoides, andsilverwattle Acacia dealbata seedlings thriving in our mini greenhouses.