Orygen Chatsafe Parent Webinar
#chatsafe is a world-leading suicide prevention programme and set of guidelines that helps young people have safe online conversations about self-harm and suicide.
We know that lots of parents are worried about the content that young people see and the conversations they have online. In this webinar for parents and carers of young people aged 12-25, you'll have the chance to learn how to support your child to have safe conversations from Research Fellow Dr Louise La Sala, as she walks you through #chatsafe's guidance for parents and carers.
Date: Thursday 30th May
Time: 5 – 6:30pm
Where: Online
Supporting with Organisation
Young people are developing their organisation and time management skills, as they take on larger, more complex assignments and competing deadlines. As Term 2 progresses, students can feel like everything is getting on top of them. Here are some tips for helping students with managing their homework and study.
- Show curiosity around what obstacles your child is encountering. Does it start with recording homework or checking task requirements on Compass? How to get started? Or how to find time amongst their extracurricular activities and home life?
- Discuss your child’s method of recording tasks and due dates. This might look different for each student, such as using a paper planner or diary, an online system or a combination of both. The main point is that it works for them.
- Encourage supportive routines at home around when homework can be completed, preparing belongings for school, charging devices. Habits require fewer decisions to be made and save mental energy for more challenging tasks.
- Be prepared to provide scaffolding to help with prioritisation, allocating time for homework, or reminders about upcoming due dates, but try to avoid micromanagement. It is okay if your child experiences the consequences of their choices; this is an opportunity to reflect on what they could try to do differently next time.
- The degree of support your child may need at home may vary as they mature, or if they are going through difficult circumstances. Neurodiverse students may require more explicit assistance. Aim to be flexible.