The Sound of Music 


Rehearsals are going well for The Sound of Music. 

Mondays After School 

The Year 7 chorus are learning the choreography to The Lonely Goatherd. Thanks to Elodie Mumme, our student choreographer. 


The Sound of Music Ensemble, consisting of students from Year 8 onwards and the Von Trapp Children are learning choreography to “Do Re Mi”. Thanks to Brooke Marsland, our student choreographer. 

Tuesday Lunchtimes 

Thanks to Siobhan Judge for working with our specialist dancers, choreographing The Landler dance. 

Thursdays after school

Our cast is progressing well and it is exciting to scenes being brought to life! Thanks to Ellyce Calder for their work with our Specialist Singers/Nuns. 


Our orchestra has learnt all the songs so now they are rehearsing with our soloists! Thank to Tony Hicks, our Musical Director. 


Souvenir T-shirts. 

The cut for date for orders is the 7thJune, so don’t miss out! 

Please return your form to the General Office ASAP. 


Student Contract/Levy. 

Please return your contract and payment levy to the General Office ASAP to confirm your place in the show. 


Anne Corry 
