Principal's Update 

Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope all our mothers, grandmothers, aunties and other special people in the lives of our children were spoilt last Sunday and enjoyed a memorable day with their families. After speaking to many of our mums it seems they were all very pleased with their gifts. A big thank you to our mothers who prepared these for our children.


Pentecost Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate the Church’s birthday, the feast of Pentecost, when Jesus’ disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit and went forth to spread the good news; 


Pentecost commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles. After Jesus rose on Easter, He appeared to the Apostles over the next 40 days, teaching them the significance of what had happened to Him. They listened, but didn’t really understand, so Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, who would enlighten them and give them everything they would need to carry the Good News to people all over the world.



We ask for the assurance of your Spirit

to know your presence with us in our daily lives:

in our relationships;

in our work and service;

in our worship;

in our times of joy and pain.



Reflection; Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, how do I touch the lives of other people?


Fr Michael Golden Jubilee

Big congratulations to Fr. Michael who will celebrate his Golden Jubilee (50 years in the priesthood) next Friday 24th May. On this day all of the Colac catholic schools will come together to celebrate Mass with Fr. Michael at 10.00am. Following Mass all the children and staff will gather on our court area to make a presentation to Fr. Michael and share some cupcakes fo morning tea together. We are truly blessed to have Fr. Michael as our parish priest and we look forward to celebrating this amazing achievement with him next Friday.


Catholic Education Week

Last week we celebrated Catholic Education Week. With over 18,000 students, over 12,000 families and around 2,500 staff in 64 school communities across the Ballarat Diocese, we are thankful that the lives of everyone involved are enhanced because of their engagement in the important work of Catholic Education. During the week we focused on the unique qualities that our schools provide in Catholic Education. On Wednesday the students from St. Mary’s, Sacred Heart, St. Brendan’s and school leaders from Trinity College celebrated Mass together. It was wonderful to see all the children gathered together to celebrate what is special about our schools. 



Prep Enrolments for 2025

I would like to have enrolments for next year finalised by the middle of next term. I will be on Long Service Leave for the first 3 weeks of next term. Therefore, if you have any extended family or friends intending on enrolling their child next year, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pass this information on to them, so they can arrange for a meeting and a tour of the school. I request all existing families that have a child starting in Prep next year, submit their enrolment form as soon as possible.



Congratulations to Eana (PMK), Lorenzo (6MP) and Leandro (5RD) Solimon, who officially received their Australian citizenship last weekend. A wonderful achievement.



Over the past few weeks we have had a couple of cases of COVID in our school community. While it is no longer a requirement to report this to the school, there is still an expectation that if infected you have a minimum of 5 days away from school and until symptoms resolve. To avoid an outbreak, I ask that we are all vigilant in complying with this.


Enjoy the rest of your week.

Michael Mahoney (Principal)







