From the Principal

Thank you X4
It is always wonderful to be able to start the newsletter off with a thank you or two or even four! These are in chronological date order:
Thank you our wonderful parents, Carly, Crystal, Carol, Amanda, Bojana, Simone and Robyn who assisted our students to make their purchases at the Mother's Day stall. There was lots of excitement from the children when choosing special gifts for their loved ones and there were lots of amusing stories from the parent helpers about the reasons why the children chose particular gifts! We raised over $1500 from our Mother's Day stall which will go towards our JSC nominated project, so thank you everyone for supporting our fundraising efforts.
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Coffee and Chat on Wednesday 15 May to provide feedback to the Review Panel. The panel loved meeting our families and were blown away by how many parents were able to attend. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us to shape the school's future direction.
Thursday 16 May was Education Support Staff Day. This is a day for us to recognise some of our unsung heroes. You may not always notice them but the ES staff are always working behind the scenes to make things better for our students, parents, staff and broader school community. We are fortunate at LEPS to have an incredible ES team which comprises of: Amanda, Anthony, Athena, Bev, Dharshika, Kim, Manal, Natalie P, Pauline, Robyn, Steph M, Suzanne and Will.
Our school would not be the same without this extraordinary group of people and 'thank you' does not adequately express how vital you are to our school!
This week is National Volunteer Week. It is a chance to say thanks to all the people who help in the community. If we did not have the help of volunteers, our Breakfast Club would not be able to run and we would have lots of hungry and unhappy children! Thank you Jo Elle, Amanda B1, Amanda B2, Ellen, Mona, Anne, Bronwyn and Jingge for giving up your mornings so Breakfast Club can run.
School Review completed!
I am very happy to report that our School Review has been completed after three huge days over the last three weeks and countless hours behind the scenes to prepare all the documentation required for the Review.
Overall, the process was very positive! There was acknowledgement of all the hard work that has occurred over the last four years, sometimes under very trying and challenging circumstances. Definite highlights for the panel members were meeting our students, families and staff.
Thank you to the Panel members: Natalie Toohey, Anthony Simone, Tim Cottrell, Keren Barro, Catherine Gunn, Carly Georgakopoulos, Natalie Iverson, Shona McCulloch, Julie Gatt and Scott Duncan for the important role they all played in the Review process. They all gave up their time from their schools and other work to enable us to complete this important work.
I would like to thank Scott and Julie for all the work they did to complete the multitude of policies related to Child Safe Standards and for the VRQA which were also required as part of the Review process. A thankless but vital piece of the Review process.
The Review Report is being finalised and I will share it with our community once it has been approved by The Department of Education. New goals and targets have been set and our new Strategic Plan will come into play from the start of 2025 and run until 2028.