Learning and Teaching

Save the Date - Learning Expo - 21st June
We're holding a Learning Expo from 9am to 10am on Friday 21st June. St Therese's families and community members are welcome to visit classrooms during this time to see all of the things we've
Graduate Outcome Awards
Last week we celebrated students who displayed the Graduate Outcome of RESPECT. These students received a Graduate Outcome Award.
Students who graduate from St Therese’s Primary School are people of RESPECT, who show respect for life, self, others, the wider community, and the environment.
For the next fortnight, staff will continue to be on the lookout for students who display the Graduate Outcome of FAITH.
Student Reporting Update - Mathematics Version 2.0
Library News
- The Bendigo Writers Festival program is OUT today! Many wonderful sessions on offer for adults, kids and families. So take your kids to see the rock stars of books! Bendigo Writers Festival bendigowritersfestival.com.au
- Read More In May - DUE Tomorrow, Thursday 6/6/24