Year 3 & 4 

Around our level

Comparing the Past and Present 

Our Year 3/4 students have embarked on an exciting journey into the past and present. 


We have spent the last few weeks uncovering the meaning of the words ‘continuity’ and ‘change’, developing questions to find out more about our local area. 

Utilising skills gained in the classroom, our students undertook homework research tasks to investigate our local community. Students presented their findings using Venn diagrams. 


Some students chose to explore the rich history of our local area, investigating the evolution of places like Croydon and Eastland. Others opted to dive into broader topics such as the history of the AFL or the impact of inventions like the telephone.

We are immensely proud of the dedication and enthusiasm demonstrated by our Year 3/4 students in their exploration of history. 

We asked students to tell us an interesting fact that they uncovered. 


Here is what they said:


I found out that people used to wear old fashioned clothes like skirts and gloves and hats, in the olden days. - Levi


I found out that they used a soccer ball to play basketball instead of the basketball that they use now. Maddison H.


I found it interesting that they used to have phones attached to the wall. Shakira I.


I found it interesting that the biggest planes could only hold 37 people at a time but now the biggest planes can hold 583 people. Flynn M.

Celebrating our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


34A - Mrs Macrae 

Toby M

For showing kindness and teaching a classmate the processes involved in our maths session.


34B - Mrs Pagliaro

Taylor A

For consistently showing our school value of 'kindness'. 


34C - Mr Smith & Mrs Tonna

Lola H

For fantastic effort and asking questions in class.


Josephine F

For showing confidence and excellence during Reading Groups.

Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna
Mrs Macrae
Mrs Pagliaro
Mr Smith
Mrs Tonna