
Around Our Level

This week in Literacy, we have been learning about ‘g’, b’ and ‘e’ and revising the heart words (I, to, do, the, said, and, as, can, of). We have been learning to write these on our whiteboards and using manipulative letters to make them.


In Maths, we have been learning how to make 10 in different ways using addition number facts. We have been learning about height using the concept of tall and short. We compared the height of our classmates. Charlie was the tallest in Prep B, Liam is the second tallest and Lia is the shortest student in our class. We also made comparisons with objects in real life, in the classroom and in the playground. The children used unifix cubes to build the tallest tower and used unifix blocks to measure their partner from head to toe. We counted the number of unifix cubes to measure and compare heights in the class.

We have been undertaking assessments in reading this week. This provides the teachers with valuable information regarding what we have learned and planning for future learning.


A big thank you to Mrs Van Loenen for organising and setting up ‘Book Fair’ in the library. Classes went to visit the BER and students with the help of their buddies created their personal wish list to take home. 


On Wednesday the 22nd of May our Preps, Grade 1’s and Grade 2’s visited the Healesville Sanctuary. It was a very cold morning as we got on the bus. When we arrived, the sun came out and we saw lots of Australian Animals. We saw kangaroos, koalas, dingoes, wallabies, platypus and wombats. We learned about nocturnal animals and saw lizards, goannas and pythons. We had lunch and played in the playground and then came back to school. A big thank you to all our parent helpers and volunteers on the day and to Mrs Pfander for all her hard work in organising this special event.

We saw the platypus swimming in the water. We also saw yabbies at the bottom. By Ruby 


I loved seeing the Dinosaur Discovery exhibit. The Trex spat water at us and I got very wet. By Liam M


I loved seeing the dinosaurs and the platypus. We visited the reptiles and saw lots of snakes. By Brodie M


I liked it when the koalas were doing funny things and eating gum leaves. By Paxton T


My Dad came on the excursion. The dinosaurs didn’t splash me with their mouth. By Lia


I liked seeing the possums. I liked the dinosaur with the little baby dinosaurs. By Olivia D


I liked the water dinosaurs, the koalas and the platypus. They were my favourites. By Freddy B


I loved seeing the koalas and the kangaroos. By Audrey S


My favourites were the koalas and the snakes. By Cassie


We spoke to the kangaroos. We looked at the really big lizards. By Lewis C


I loved seeing the koalas and the baby joey kangaroos. By Hayden M


My Mum came on the excursion. I loved seeing the platypus. By Charlie R


I loved the koalas the best and the platypus swimming in the water. By Sophie M

Celebrating Our Students

Students are nominated by their teachers to receive a certificate of acknowledgment. The below student's certificates will be presented at our next assembly. 


Prep A - Mrs Cooper 

Lewis C

For always listening beautifully and engaging during learning time.


Prep B - Ms Ross

Lia S 

For her great reading in 'Ufli' lessons. Well Done.

Mrs Cooper
Miss Ross
Mrs Cooper
Miss Ross