
Well, the Book Fair has been and gone! It was wonderful to see the excitement on the students' faces as they browsed the books on sale. We sold around $4,700 worth of books and, as a result, will get around $1,500 worth of books for the library and literacy resources from Scholastic. Thank you to everyone who supported the fair. 

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to Michelle Carmusciano, Elissa Harris, Pam Jones, Rhianna Macrae, Jacqui Weir, Biee Murphy, Bec Ross, Tara Lauer, Brooke Vorherr  and Felicity Ryopponen for helping.

Hazel Van Loenen
Kerry Graham
Hazel Van Loenen
Kerry Graham

Melbourne Writers Festival

On Thursday 9th May I had the pleasure of bringing a group of Year 5/6 students to the Melbourne Writers Festival, held at the State Library. We travelled there and back by train, along with two parent helpers: Emily Kear and Gareth Ross.

During the day we listened to four presentations, made by  Kate and Joel Temple (they wrote the Bin Chicken books), Anna Zobel (she gets her inspiration from unsolved mysteries and things that happened in the past), Idan Ben-Barak (writer of scientific books), and Jordan Gould and Richard Pritchard (authors of “Wylah the Koorie warrior” series). The students then had the opportunity to buy books at the pop-up stall. They got to meet the authors and have their books signed. 

The students represented YRPS impeccably. They demonstrated our school values of respect, kindness and safety. I would like to extend a big thank you to Emily and Gareth for helping out on the day.