Student Achievement Awards - 4/9/2023

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For making the most of your learning time. Ashton you apply yourself to every learning task, staying focused and always striving to make your work the best it can be. You are a super role model for your peers.


Congratulations Abigail on your fantastic opinion writing about your pet rabbit Tutu Gaga. You wrote fantastic reasons on why he is the best pet, such as 'I can snuggle him he is as soft as a pillow'. Keep up the great work!


Eric, you have tried so hard this week, especially when collecting data about 1H's favourite ice-cream flavours. Well done on making a wonderful pictograph using this data. Keep up the amazing work! 


Congratulations on your awesome writing about the ant you made. I really liked the way you included some new words, like colony, you learnt from our mentor text in your writing. Keep up the great work.


Well done Ameya on your effort during Digital Technology this week. When learning to use procedures in coding you perseverred when it got challenging and didnt give up. What fantastic resilience! Keep it up!


Congratulations Ayrton on your amazing work in Digital Technology. You programmed a robot using clearly written commands to solve a range of puzzles. You also patiently assisted your classmates with your coding knowledge. What a coding superstar!  

3BNivedhita (Nivy) 

Congratulations Nivy on your enthusiasm towards learning. I especially loved the emotive sentence you produced about deforestation last week "We absolutely must put a stop to this chaos. If we continue to cut down too many trees, humans will cease to exist."  Well done!


Congratulations Owen on your learning in Mathematics. You have demonstated your ability to use a calendar to identify the date and the number of days in each month. You have shown o'clock and half-hour times on an analogue clock and converted between units of time in minutes and seconds. Well done!


Well done George on the determined and enthusiastic effort you have displayed towards all reading sessions. You have engaged in providing great questioning skills and built on your understanding of reading strategies, such as the Author's Purpose and Making Connections. This has also assisted with you progressing forward in your reading levels. What a Reading Syndal Star you are!  


Congratulations Lewis on the fantastic literacy work you have completed this week on the Lorax. You were able to identify the authors purpose, find the main idea and summarise the text succinctly. Keep up being a wonderful learner.


Congratulations Catina on a responsible attitude towards learning. You were able to write detailed notes to bring to our Socratic discussion and I especially enjoyed your research about the statistics regarding pollution. Keep up the great work!


Lynda is always a kind and helpful friend to her classmates. She has made a marvellous effort with making new students feel welcome at our school. This week Lynda has done some great thinking about how you can make the most of your learning time. Lynda said she uses positive self-talk, shows full body listening, helps others and she works quietly. Awesome work, Lynda! Keep it up!


Congratulations Vethum on being a friendly and enthusiastic class member. It is a pleasure to see you always encourage your peers and strive to improve your academic performance. You are a Super Star!


Congratulations Atharva on your continuing passion for Socratic. Every week you prove to be well researched and contribute such value to our discussions, in fact we always learn something new! Keep up the amazing effort!