Student Achievement Awards - 28/8/2023


For your enthusiasm in Writing this week. You stretched out unknown words and tried your very best at using your sounds. You also came up with some great reasons for why you do and do not like the monkey bars. 


Erica, you demonstrate kindness in every aspect of school. You help friends open their lunch boxes, you share your resources with others and use manners with your peers. Keep spreading kindness you superstar!


Henry you have been so helpful and persistent this week. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity, you have helped put other peoples resources and work away and picked up things off the floor that are not yours. Well done for all your hard work as well, you persevere in all subjects and have produced wonderful pieces of work. Keep it up!


Congratulations Felix on your writing this week. You wrote a great story about a tickle monster on a plane which included some great words like excited, sleepy, and happily. Keep up the awesome work.


Thank you Ashley for being such a kind and helpful student . You did a great job at creating a book week costume using things that you had at home already, and your pic collage and book review of "The Picnic" was fantastic! Keep up the good work.


Olivia, well done on your work in Maths this week. You collected data using tally marks and used it to create both picture graphs and bar graphs. You challenged yourself and learnt how to represent multiples using a picture graph. Excellent effort!


Rihaan, congratulations on your excellent writing stamina. You used your time effectively to write both a narrative and a persuasive text. You also used the designated time to successfully plan and edit your writing. Well done you writing superstar! 


For your efforts during writing sessions this term. You have worked hard to write a script about an NBA game that follows the correct structure. You used your learning time wisely to practise presenting this as a puppet show. Congratulations Riley!


Well done Liya on your thoughtful responses to the text 'The Lorax.' You were able to consider the important ideas in the story and explain your understanding of the main idea as 'Take only what you need and be grateful.'


Congratulations Ved on your excellent contributions to our class discussion this week. I always thoroughly enjoy listening to your thoughts and views, as well as observing the manner in which you can gain your peers attention. Thank you for being a wonderful role model to your classmates.


Congratulations Imogen on crafting a magnificent script called "Mini Stars". You have developed an exciting play about students competing in a Brisbane Athletics Competition and developing lasting friendships. Well done.


Congratulations Taigen on a great start to learning at SSPS! You have settled in well, clarify instructions when unsure and use your observation skills to ensure that you are on the right track with learning tasks. You were so engaged during our Author Visit and recreated some of the characters beautifully! Keep up the great work!


Congratulations Daniel on your constant positive attitude towards all classroom tasks. It was a pleasure to see you immerse yourself in performing your writing task as many different parts. You are a Super Star!


Congratulations on being such a friendly, caring and considerate classmate to everyone. You always think of others before yourself, as well as encourage and support your peers during group tasks. Keep up the great work Sezen!