Snapshot - Artist Visit

On the 1st of September, a local First Nations artist, Emmy Webber, came to our school and taught us about some of her cultural items. The students thoroughly enjoyed the visit and would like to share with you their favourite item.

I enjoyed learning about the Coolamon, because the painting on it was really nice and unique. 



I thought the Coolamon was unique because I learnt that the Coolamon has different uses. It can carry resources and even newborn children. 



I really enjoyed the part when we all passed things around. It was interesting feeling the different textures of all the different things she brought to the school. It was really fun and I really enjoyed it.  

- Sam


My favourite  item was the possum ball because it was so soft and squishy. There were these rocks that aboriginals would paint with called ochre. 

- Harry and Archie


I really liked learning about the soft and fluffy possum skin ball because it was soft, and fluffy. also when we passed things around. I am thankful that she came to our school. 

- Will S


Emmy Webber was showing us all these cool aboriginal first nations things. My favourite was the possum skin jacket because it was so fluffy.  

- Noah A and Wills


I liked the Marn Grook because it was durable and soft. The Marn Grook was also my favourite because it was fluffy and throwable. 

- Matthew and Noah L


I liked the Boomerang because I did not know that it was only used to hunt for birds. I liked the part where everyone got the opportunity to hold and feel almost all of the items the artist brought in. I thought the rocks you could use to paint were very interesting because they had a chalky texture. 

- Jasper and Mason


I`ve learnt at the session with the artist Emmy Webber that when you're cooking an emu egg you blow a hole in the bottom to get the yolk out and then you decorate the egg and use it like an art piece. I’ve learnt at the art lesson with Emmy Webber that they put a special rock on their face called ochre which is used when they have celebrations or gatherings with lots and lots of people. The main colours are red white and yellow. 

- Lorelei and Grace


One of my favourite things from the workshop was the Coolamon, because it had many purposes so it was very useful. My other favourite thing is ochre because I thought how they made paint was fascinating. 

- Frida


I would've loved to learn about the Boomerangs but I was not there sadly.  

- Xavier


My favourite item was the possum skin cloak because it was very soft and fluffy. My favourite item was the possum skin ball because it was really fluffy, and fun to hold. We learnt that Boomerangs are mostly used to kill birds. 

- Rose and Bella.


I would have liked to learn about the Woomera an item used to throw spears because I would like to know how it works. - Fraser


My favourite item that I saw has got to be the Hielaman an Aboriginal shield. Unlike an ordinary shield Hielamans don't have a handle first nations people would hold it from the top of the shield and only really use it to block an emu peak when taking eggs. 

- Nate


One of my favourite items that Emmy Webber had, would definitely be the ball that was made out of possum skin because it was so soft and fun to throw and catch. I learned so many different things about aboriginal items and tools. One thing I learned was how they steal emu eggs. They use lots of tools and things to make sounds so they can collect emu eggs from their nests.  

- Keira