
Bawden Sensei

こんにちは、”Konnichiwa” from Japanese class! 


What a wonderful busy day for the Japanese Fun Day yesterday! Everyone looked fabulous with their costumes. Japanese Drum (Wadaiko) instructor, Ayako and her assistant were fantastic to introducing very first Wadaiko session for our school. Special thank you for Dana (Working Experience from Billanook), Payton's Dad Daniel and Charlie's Mum Laura, to help us out our Sushi making session. 


We also had a Kendama (Japanese traditional toy) competition during the day. Kendama is a full body, low impact exercise. The game is played by tossing the ball into the air and attempting to catch it in the cup. Kendama is a self improvement tool, to improve mind and body. Many people say its meditative - taking your mind away from other things, a brain break from heavy concentration and screens. 


Have a lovely holiday everyone! Looking forward to seeing you all next term. 


Please do not hesitate to ask any inquiries or suggestions to our Japanese class!

Bawden Sensei
