Numeracy Update 


Eleven students from Year 8 and 9 have been working with their eMentors online each week this term. Their eMentors are currently studying a Maths or Science degree in a field of interest to our Year 8 & 9s. During these sessions, our students and their eMentors have discussed STEM careers and courses, new ideas in Science and Maths, as well as accessed support with classwork and extension tasks. 


Maths Problem Solving Incursion:

The University of Melbourne Outreach team recently worked with around 90 of our Year 7-9 students in a problem solving and critical thinking Maths session. Students worked collaboratively to solve challenging and engaging Maths problems and were prompted to use a wide range of strategies and approaches.


Term 4 – Maths extension/enrichment opportunities:

Further enrichment opportunities are available for Maths students in Year 7-10 in Term 4:

- Maths Games Day (Year 7-10)

- STEM programs at the Tech school (Year 8-10)

- Term 4 Problem Solving Competition (Year 7&8) 


Further information will be available from your child's Maths teacher in early Term 4.


Caitlyn Leversha - Numeracy Learning Specialist