Principal's Report 

Issue No 25 -  23 August  2023

Term 3 - Week 7

Principal’s Report

Book Week Celebrations

Thank you to Mrs Wiegard for all her hard work in preparing our students for Book Week. We all had a fantastic celebration. 


Friday Afternoon Assembly

Thank you to 4GF for a wonderful presentation at our assembly last Friday.  

Our next assembly will be showcasing 5GW on Friday 1st September. Assembly will take place in the school hall and we invite the parents of 5GW to attend.  We will start promptly at 3pm.


Unit Masses

Tomorrow Grade 5 will celebrate mass in the St Kilian’s Church. The children LOVE parents and special friends to join us for these masses.

St Kilian’s Debutante Balls

The school hosts two St Kilian’s Debutante Balls on the evenings of Friday 25th August and Saturday 26th August, in the St Kilian’s Hall.  These events have been in the planning phase for over 12 months by the Deb Ball committee. I thank them for all of their dedicated and hard work in organising the balls and wish them every success for the events.  The committee will be looking for support in the lead up to, during and after the event so please sign up as a volunteer.  Register via the sign up links in this newsletter.


Division Basketball

Next Friday we have a group of senior students competing in the Bendigo Division Basketball Tournament. We wish them all of the best and hope they enjoy the experience.


Season of Creation

Pope Francis and the Australian Bishops invite all Catholics to join the Ecumenical Season of Creation. It starts 1 September (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) and ends 4 October (Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi). They encourage us all to make this a special time of prayer and action in caring for our common home.  Some representatives from our school will be attending an Outdoor Mass celebrated by Bishop Shane to launch the Season of Creation, 11am on Friday 1 September at Notley Camping Ground and Picnic Area.


Father’s Day - Donuts with Dad & Footy Colours Day

On Friday 1st September all dads, father figures and special friends of the school are invited to come and join in Donuts with Dad. This is always a great event and is a wonderful opportunity for us to recognise the wonderful contributions of the dads' in the school. Donuts will be available for everyone and special guests will be offered tea, coffee or hot chocolate from 8:30am from the school canteen.  


Students and special guests are encouraged to wear their footy colours. 

If you are available to help with the distribution of donuts or making a hot drink please contact to volunteer some time.


Father’s Day Gifts

Our Father’s Day Gift purchase will be on Friday 1st September.  We have organised a range of gifts for all students to purchase for their fathers or special friends.  Students are asked to bring $5 to purchase a gift.  Please note due to some clashes with other events some grades will select gifts earlier in the week.


Book Fair

To continue to foster the enthusiasm our students display towards reading and learning, our school will be holding a Lamont Book Fair! 

Parents are welcome to visit and make purchases with their children before school; in the multi-purpose room on:

  • Thursday the 31st of August from 8:30am – 9:30am and 3:00pm-4:00pm 
  • Friday the 1st of September (Donuts with Dad day) 8:30 – 9:30am

Prices for books will begin at $5. 

Sales may be EFTPOS, Visa, MasterCard or cash.

The Book Fair will have items suitable for all our year levels. Students from Prep to Year 6 will have an opportunity to browse and fill out a wish list during a special visit on Wednesday. 

We encourage everyone to come and have a look around!

The profit from any purchases made throughout the Book Fair will benefit the students of St Kilian's School by allowing us to add to the resources in our library. 

If you would like to donate a book to our library there will be a chance to select one. Your generosity will be recognised by a bookplate with your child’s name in the front of your donated book


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney 
