Pastoral Care 

  • Student Leadership Teams - 2023 and 2024
  • Northern Beaches Council Youth Volunteer of the Year Award
  • Mercy/St Pius X College Year 9 Respectful Relationship Day 
  • Willoughby Council and Gwydir River Council Student Exchange
  • Willoughby Council Youth Services Holiday Activities
  • Upcoming Parent Webinars
  • Old Boys' Association Dinner

Student Leadership Teams 2023 and 2024 

Last Wednesday our Student Leadership Teams for 2023 and 2024 met for a transition meeting where their St Pius X journey began for some, in the Junior School.

The student leadership teams met to share their leadership insights, plans, goals, themes and logo as they transfer leadership responsibilities to the next cohort of student leaders in the 86 year history of the College.

The 2024 College Captain, Quinton Crispe, and Vice Captains, Liam Boswell and Jose Monk, met with Mr Ronchetti and the College Leadership Team on Monday to articulate their leadership plans for the year and to develop the student themes and voice opportunities which will characterise their leadership tenure of the College.

Thank to Mrs Williams and Mrs Boyle who allowed us to use their classrooms and left some well received treats for us.


Upcoming Student Leadership Team Commitments include:

Speechcraft Course sessions sponsored by St Pius X College Old Boys' Association


Thursday 5 October  

Speechcraft 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Microsoft Teams meeting with The Abbey SLT ER School Ireland tbc

10:00 pm Microsoft Teams Meeting with Stella Maris Uruguay SLT, Principal: Patricia Ponce de Leon, English Coordinator: Rossana Tessore


Friday 13 October 

Articulation of Portfolio goals, themes, actions and aspirations, and prep for SL Investiture and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner


Friday 20 October

Microphone session: Podium, Gym and Concourse, and prep for SL Investiture and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner


Thursday 26 October 

Student Leadership Investiture 

Snowy Hike Training Hike O’nite precedes HSC Study Day 1 @ Oxford Falls


Tuesday 31 October (proposed, tbc)

Speechcraft Graduation Student Leadership Team and parents, significant others, Old Boys Association at Chatswood Business Club

Northern Beaches Council Youth Volunteer of the Year Award 

Congratulations is extended to Year 11 student and newly elected student leader, Maxwell Forbes, who has been recognised for his volunteer work teaching patrons how to use technology more effectively.

Max has been a steadfast advocate for social justice and student voice contributing with great enthusiasm and intelligence on the recent Red Dirt Immersion so the college community can vouch also for his authentic leadership and integrity.

The award was presented to Maxwell by Federal MP and Winter Olympian Ms Zali Stegall at a recent ceremony at Dee Why RSL. The citation is included below.

'Year 11 student Maxwell Forbes has dedicated his time to volunteering at the Willoughby City Library this year. Maxwell has been actively involved in guiding children between the ages of 5 and 11 through coding projects within the Code Club, demonstrating exceptional problem-solving skills. His dedication to these students is marked by his enthusiastic and patient approach, helping them gain confidence and work towards achieving their own learning goals.

In addition to his coding volunteer work, Maxwell also volunteered to assist in running the Digital Literacy program this term. His commitment to community service didn't go unnoticed, as he was nominated for the prestigious Northern Beaches NSW Young Volunteer of the Year Award by the Willoughby Library staff.

On Friday, 1 September 2023, Maxwell attended the awards ceremony held at Dee Why RSL. The auditorium was abuzz with volunteers, proud family members, and esteemed guests, including local MPs. Northern Beaches Mayor Sue Heins had the honor of presenting certificates to all the nominees, and it is with great pride that we announce Maxwell Forbes as the recipient of the 2023 Northern Beaches NSW Young Volunteer of the Year Award. He received a beautifully framed certificate and had the opportunity to meet and engage in conversation with Zali Steggall OAM, the Member for Warringah.

Maxwell will go on to represent the Northern Beaches region of youth volunteers at the upcoming State awards ceremony scheduled for December. Our heartfelt congratulations to Maxwell for this remarkable achievement and his continued dedication to making a positive impact in our community.'

Mercy – St Pius X College Year 9 Respectful Relationships 

Our Year 9 cohort took the opportunity today to join their Mercy counterparts in conducting a Respectful Relationships Workshop at our Oxford Falls Campus.

Input was provided by Alex Cummins from Living Wellbeing Group, Snr Constable Lynda Hart our Police Youth Liaison Officer, Mr Martin Gillogly and our student leaders below who developed a Mercy Pius Year 9 2023/Year 12 2026 Manifesto for Respect.

In a couple of weeks time, on Thursday 21 September, the students will re-unite to hear a Global perspective from our guests, Catholic Social Justice Advocates and Ugandan refugees Teddi and Morris Mukasa. Their story is an amazing one and we are grateful to the Old Boys' Association President Barry Wong and the SPX Old Boys' Association for sponsoring their visit.


Year 9 Student Leaders

Sean O’DonnellNoah Marshall
Lucas GleesonJames Mooney
Benji TanJames Kevric
Lucas McKenzieAidan Kiem
Justin RobsonAiden Lindsay
Christian GriffithThomas Zammit
Brayzen SargentMichael Cheah
Danny KissaneRiley Meares
Cameron PowellJoshua Paul
Henry PayneZac Brown
Evan Littler 

Willoughby – Gwydir River Council Students Exchange

Well done to Year 10 students, Jack Fairbanks and Isaac Donlevy, who represented the college in June/July at the Myall Creek Massacre Site and Bingara Orange Festival and then, last weekend, hosted their Bingara Northern NSW guests to the Willoughby Spring Festival and Taronga Zoo on Friday around their Twilight Concert responsibilities, Friday Night Football, and a Sunday Harbour Bridge Climb.

Both the Bingara and Chatswood visits were action packed, and Jack and Isaac report that they learnt much, enjoyed meeting many interesting people, and great experiences, and will now contribute to the Willoughby Council Youth Advisory Group. 

Please see Mr Brannan if you would like to put your name down for consideration for the 2024 Student Exchange and represent St Pius X appropriately in this capacity.

For the record a symbolic gesture of representation, and part of our RAP from Mr Brannan’s Year 8 Religious Education Class 2019 is now held in pride of place in the Myall Creek Massacre site memorial and was observed there by the Let’s Talk Immersion group of teachers from EREA schools throughout Australia:

Willoughby Council Youth Services Holiday Activities

Willoughby Youth Services are currently promoting their holiday activities program which has some great offerings for future possibilities as well as some free HSC Self Care Gift Packs on Thursday 5 October at their Albert Ave and Victor St Centre. Their general promotional post card also advocates  some positive help seeking opportunities below.

See Mr Brannan if you would like hard copies.

Upcoming Parent Webinars

Butterfly are holding the following webinars to for parents to support their teens to have a positive and balanced relationship with food.


Supporting Teens to Eat Well 

Tuesday 12 September

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm via Zoom



Body Confident Children and Teens for Parents

Tuesday 17 October

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm via Zoom


Old Boys' Association Dinner

The St Pius X College Old Boys' Association Dinner is on this Friday night at Chatswood Business Club. If you haven’t yet bought a ticket it might be timely to catch up with the group after dinner at the Orchard Tavern. The Class of 2022 were sponsored to attend this event and we look forward to hearing from them and their Captain Lachie Staber at the dinner.

Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care