From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Staffing News
  • Changes to the last official day for students at the end of the year
  • Farewell to Seniors Twilight Concert
  • Father's Day Celebrations and Jersey Day
  • Celebration of Cocurricular Colour Awards
  • Lights, Camera, Pius! Film Festival
  • Senior Invitational Athletics Carnival


Feast Day St Teresa of Kolkata

5 September




May, today, there be peace within you. May you trust God, that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities, that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing that you are a child of God. Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun. It is there for each and every one of you.

St Teresa of Kolkata …. Pray for us


At this time, we celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Teresa of Kolkata, who died on 5 September, 1997 at the age of 87. Mother Teresa was born Gonxha Agnes Bojaxhiu on 27 August, 1910 in Skopje (now in Macedonia), of ethnic Albanian parents. Two decades before her beatification in 2003, the isolated People’s Republic of Albania was the world’s only declared atheistic state and anything to do with religion was systematically and brutally obliterated. 

St Teresa, known in India as the 'Saint of the Gutter', established the Missionaries of Charity in 1950 and was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. She used the prize money for the benefit of the poorest of the poor in India. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on World Mission Day 19 October 2003 and canonised on 4 September 2016 by Pope Francis. 


St Teresa once said: 

'There are many places in the world where people die of hunger. Many have died in my arms. We can give these poor people a plate of rice and we can clothe them and make a home for them, but it is very difficult to remove the hunger they have for love. The greatest joy for me is to see that a person dies in love knowing that God loves them.' 


Gracious and eternal God, by your grace Mother Teresa of Calcutta, kindled with the fire of your love, became a burning and shining light in your Church; inflame us with the same spirit of discipline and love that we may always walk before you as children of light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon

The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.



(Ad maiorem Dei gloriam)

  At the right of the spiral are the letters AMDG, AD MAJOREM DEI

GLORIAM (All My Work Done For God), the Jesuit motto which also became the motto of the Presentation Brothers.

Edmund was instrumental in looking after the finances of the Jesuits when they were suppressed for a time and helped them re-establish themselves at Clongowes Wood in Dublin. This was in conjunction with his close friend, Fr Peter Kenney.


 Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Staffing News 

Over the past month, the College has undertaken an internal process to appoint an individual to the new College leadership position of Assistant Principal Cocurricular.  It is with great pleasure that I announce that Mr Matthew Stearn has been appointed to this significant role within the College.  The role of Senior Sports Master has been incorporated into the new role along with the oversight of all cocurricular activities.  Mr Stearn will commence in the role from the beginning of Term 4 2023.  I wish him every success as he leads and advocates for the cocurricular domain of the College.

Next term, Mr Dennis Lee will be the Acting Visual Arts Coordinator as Ms Frances Doyle takes long service leave.  I would like to thank Mr Lee for taking on the responsibilities of leading this significant faculty within the College.

Last week Mr Greg Virgona contacted me to let me know that he and his family are enjoying the warm climate and lifestyle of Queensland, therefore he will resign from his position at the College.  On behalf of the College, I would like to thank Mr Virgona for his contribution to the PDHPE Department and the cocurricular program of the College.   We wish Mr Virgona and his family our prayers and best wishes as they continue to live in sunny Queensland.

Changes to the last official day for students the end of the year

Following a review on our how we celebrate and acknowledge our academic successes, the college has decided to conclude the school year with an academic ceremony that celebrates the achievements of the students, in the current year.  In past years, the previous year’s academic successes were acknowledged and celebrated after the Commencement Mass, at the Academic Awards Ceremony.  Commencing this year, this academic celebration will now be incorporated as part of the students' last day on Tuesday 5 December.   

The Annual Academic Awards Ceremony will be held at the Christian Brothers Centre, Oxford Falls and will include all awards for Year 5 to Year 11. 

This will be a compulsory school day for all students.  Considering the late change, the college is understanding if previous arrangements have been made and your son/s is unavailable to attend. I would request you email your son's Year Coordinator or classroom teacher of his unavailability at your earliest convenience.

This new arrangement will also have an impact on other college events in 2024, such as the Commencement Mass and the celebration of our 2023 HSC High Achievers. Both these events will take a different form but will be celebrated as normal early in Term 1 2024.  More information regarding these events will be communicated to the college community early next term.

Celebrating the achievements of our students in the same calendar year is important and thus I thank you for your anticipated support of this new format.

Twilight Concert Farewell to Year 12

The Twilight Concert was a fitting farewell to all our Year 12 students who have supported and contributed to the performing arts program. Their dedication, talent and hard work has enriched both music and drama within our community and the college will be forever grateful to all our students for the opportunity to share in their talents. The college is incredibly proud of all their accomplishments, and we have no doubt that they will continue to achieve greatness in their artistic journey.  Congratulations to all our Year 12 students.  Congratulations and thanks to PAPA for their ongoing promotion and support of the whole performing arts program. Thank you to all our Ensemble Directors and instrumental tutors; to Mr Stephen Cummins, Mr Brendan Jones, Mr Matthew Stearn for their contributions and support of the evening.  Special thanks to Mrs Stella Talati, our Coordinator of Music Ensembles, for preparing an array of ensembles and to Mrs Annabel Westhoff and Ms Penny Lindley for their pursuit in excellence in the Performing Arts.  A wonderful experience had by all.

Father's Day Celebrations and Jersey Day 

Our celebration of Father's Day on both Thursday with the Junior School Father and Son Sports Day and then on Friday with Mass at Our Lady of Dolours was a wonderful acknowledgement of all fathers or father figures.  The manner in which the fathers, grandfathers and father figures engaged with their sons, grandsons was so genuine that it brought tears to my eyes as I reflected on my own father and my son.  Thank you to all the fathers and father figures who were able to join us on these days. 

Special thanks to Mr Daniel Petrie for the organisation of the Junior School liturgy and the Father’s Day Mass. Thanks also to Mrs Westhoff for the beautiful accompaniment of music and the choir at the Mass.  A Father’s Day cannot be a success without a hearty breakfast, therefore, I would like to thank Mr Sean Brannan and his band of cooks as they fed the masses after our Eucharistic celebration.  A very sincere thank you to Fr David for his celebration of Mass and his support of the college.  Fr David graced us with a wonderful homily about father as protector and mentor.    

I look forward to seeing more fathers next year and hopefully more will be wearing their jersey along with their sons.

Celebration of Cocurricular at the College Colour Awards 

The College Cocurricular Colour Awards celebrated yesterday was a fantastic acknowledgment of the commitment of so many fine young men to the cocurricular program of the college.  Most aspects of our cocurricular were on show at this significant assembly. Special thanks to Mr Matthew Stearn for his leadership of celebrating the contribution of our wonderful young men.  To receive a Silver or Gold award is a true testament to the individuals who have been instrumental in continuing the great traditions of St Pius X College.  Thanks go to all the coaches and convenors of all our activities for their enthusiasm in promoting their activity.  Special thanks to Mrs Marilyn McHugh for her excellent administration of all the records and awards for this most prestigious assembly.

The Lights, Camera, Pius! Film Festival

Hoyts Theatre was abuzz with excitement as over 200 students waited as the Pius Film Festival was about to commence.  The audience were not disappointed as all short films entertained and provided a great insight into the amazing artistic talent of so many young men.  Thank you to Ms Doyle and her team for this wonderful opportunity to support our budding film directors.  Thank you also to all the students who submitted a film.  Looking forward to next year's festival.  The stand has been set very high.   

Senior Invitational Athletics Carnival

Thank you to all the staff and students who supported the invitational carnival last Saturday.  St Pius X College managed the majority of field events and from all accounts were outstanding in the administration of these events.  With the ISA Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 12 September our athletes are well prepared to do their personal best times, distance or heights at this meet.  Best wishes to all athletes as they compete at the ISA Athletics Carnival.

Students Leaving the College at the end of the year

Parents are reminded that if you are considering a change of schools at the end of the year, it is the policy of the college that a term's notice should be given in writing to the Principal.  As we head towards the end of Term 3, I ask any parents considering a change to make contact with the college.

You are also welcome to contact the College Registrar to discuss any enrolment matters:


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal