Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Greetings Parents and Guardians,We hope this newsletter finds you well. It's been an exciting Book Week at our service,filled with fun activities and literary adventures. Here's a quick recap of the highlights: Spiderman Invasion: Book Week kicked off with a bang as four of our enthusiastic little readers arrived dressed as Marvel's Spiderman. The excitement was palpable,and the children couldn't wait to embark on their bookish journey.


Tasty Treats: Throughout the week, our young bookworms indulged in a delightful array of afternoon snacks. From cheesy nachos to gooey cheese and jam toasties,their taste buds were in for a treat.

Movie Day: Midweek, we transformed our cozy corner into a mini-cinema. Popcorn in hand, the children enjoyed a movie session, immersing themselves in the magic of story telling on screen.


Crafty Conclusion: Wrapping up Book Week, we delved into the world of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" with a creative craft session. Colourful caterpillars and beautiful butterflies adorned our walls, a testament to the artistic talents of our little ones.Thank you for your support in making this Book Week a memorable experience for our children. We look forward to more literary adventures in the future!


Warm regards,

Rob & Lucas