
Most classes are working towards completing their term three craft projects. The Prep children have just finished their pom poms and are now learning finger knitting to be used to add to their previous craft work.
Class one are working on their sock bird toys using various fabrics and stitching styles.
Class two/three students are nearing completion of their sunray cushions, revisiting the simple running stitch in a circular pattern.
Class 3/4 are still very engaged in creating their own toy design based on a circular shape, using felt fabric and various stitching techniques.
The 5/6 students are exploring the couching stitching style to create a design of their choice that they will use to embellish a bag or cushion.
Parent Helpers
To support student learning, parents are invited to assist in the art room. You will need a current working with children check. Please sign in at the office before you come to the art room.
Arts Festival
Our Arts Festival date is Saturday 18th November 11 to 4pm.
There is heaps of information coming out and many parents and families are already working hard to make this another fantastic community event. If you would like to meet lots of other families and help in any way look out for the compass notices. If you are interested in helping set up the student art display on the friday before the arts festival please let me know.
Antoinette Vaiano